
  • 1603 BCE

    Native People

    Native People
    The earliest traces of humans in Uruguay are found about ten thousand years ago and belong to the hunter-gatherer cultures. Native people had almost disappeared around the time of independence due to European diseases and constant warfare.
  • Uruguay's Independence

    Uruguay's Independence
    On 25 August 1825, Uruguay gained its independence from the Brazilian Empire, after they became independent in 1822.
  • Period: to

    Population Increase

    After the "Guerra Grande," the population was increasing at a steady rate. However, within a few decades, the population double and Montevideo's population tripled, since most immigrants lived there; as a result, Uruguay's population reached one million in 1900.
  • Economy in Uruguay

    Economy in Uruguay
    In 1857, Uruguay's first bank was opened, which lead to three years later a canal system was built, the first telegraph was set up, and rail roads connected the cities to countrysides. Montevideo, Uruguay's capital, became the economic center of the region.
  • Uruguayan War

    Uruguayan War
    In Uruguay, the Colorado Party and Blanco Party create a war. The Colorado Party makes an alliance with Brazil to help try to take over the country.
  • Venancio Flores Barrios Assassinated

    Venancio Flores Barrios Assassinated
    Venancio Flores Barrios was a Uruguayan general and political leader. He was also the president from 1854-1855 and from 1865-1868.
  • Declaration by United Nations

    Declaration by United Nations
    During WWII, Uruguay broke diplomatic relations with Germany, but did not participate in fighting. In 1945, they formally joined the Declaration by United Nations.
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    Collapse of Uruguay's Economy

    After WWII, Uruguay's economy reached its peak of prosperity; however when the world's military conflicts came to a close, Uruguay's economy went south. This lead to inflation, unemployment and a drop of standard of living.
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    Tupamaros Guerrillas

    The Tupamaros Guerrillas was form in the early 1960s, robbing banks and distributing food and money in poor neighborhoods. As well as political kidnapping and attacks on security forces; resulting in the United States's aid in policing and interrogation techniques.
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    Trade Union Activists

    Since 2003, the number of trade union activists has quadrupled from 110,000 to over 400,000. Uruguay has become the most advanced country in the Americas in terms of the right to strike.