19th century london

Urbanization Problems in the Late 19th Century

  • Crime

    Problem: population increased, pickpockets and theives flourished.
    Solution: New York City instituted the first salaried police force.
    Source: F, Victoria, Dr. "Pocket Lock." DreamPunk RSS. Wordprss, 28 May 2012. Web. 15 Feb. 2013. http://dreampunk.me/blog/pocket-lock/.
  • Fire

    Problem: limited water, candles and kerosene, wooden buildings, firefighters were only volunteer.
    Solution: Ohio established the nation's first paid fire department.
    Source: Horrigan, John. "GREAT AMERICAN FIRES OF THE 19th CENTURY - A LECTURE BY JOHN HORRIGAN." GREAT AMERICAN FIRES OF THE 19th CENTURY - A LECTURE BY JOHN HORRIGAN. Weymouth Historical Society, 12 Nov. 2009. Web. 15 Feb. 2013. http://www.historylecture.org/greatfires.html.
  • Water

    Problem: increased demand for water, disease(cholera & typhoid).
    Solution: Filtration introduced.
    Source: Walton, Brett. "Photo Slideshow: Americaâs Water Infrastructure Shows Its Age | Circle of Blue WaterNews." Circle of Blue WaterNews. Cirlce of Blue, 2012. Web. 15 Feb. 2013. http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/2012/world/soundslides-infrastructure/.
  • Transportation

    Problem: mass transit.
    Solution: San Fransico began using street cars.
    Source: Demorro, Christopher. "America's First Green-Tech Project: Electric Locomotives." Gas 2. Wordpress, 2013. Web. 15 Feb. 2013. http://gas2.org/2012/03/19/americas-first-green-tech-project-electric-locomotives/.
  • Fire

    Problem: limited water.
    Solution: automatic sprinkler and replacement of wood with bricks, stone, and concrete.
    Source: McCord Museum. "Art Resource | Fine Art Stock Licensing." Art Resource | Fine Art Stock Licensing. McCord Museum, 1852. Web. 15 Feb. 2013. http://www.artres.com/C.aspx?VP3=ViewBox_VPage.
  • Housing

    Problem: row houses(many families), unsanitary, overpopulation, overcorwded.
    Solution: New York City set law with minimum standard for plumbing and ventilation.
    Source: Cymru.com. "19th Century Workers' Housing beside Ebbw Vale Steelworks, Demolished Late 1950s ::: Gathering the Jewels." 19th Century Workers' Housing beside Ebbw Vale Steelworks, Demolished Late 1950s ::: Gathering the Jewels. Cymru.com, 2013. Web. 15 Feb. 2013. http://education.gtj.org.uk/en/blowup1/2262.
  • Transportation

    Problem: mass transit.
    Solution: Boston began using electric subways to link neighborhoods.
    Source: Wordpress.com. ""Not Yet Published"" Not Yet Published. Wordpress.com, 12 Nov. 2012. Web. 15 Feb. 2013. http://scheong.wordpress.com/category/history-of-transport/.
  • Sanitation

    Problem: no dispensible trash collection, people dumped their garbage in the streets.
    Solution: cities developed sewer lines and created sanitation departments.
    Source: Schmidt, Sarah. "Digging Into New York City's Trashy History | OnEarth Magazine." Digging Into New York City's Trashy History | OnEarth Magazine. Harper's Weekly, 15 Oct. 2010. Web. 18 Feb. 2013.
  • Water

    Problem: unsafe drinking water.
    Solution: Chlorinataion introduced.
    Source: Ecopaper. "SUMMARY ECOBLOG." Brief History of Paper. Ecopaper, 2011. Web. 15 Feb. 2013. http://www.ecopapel.es/inicio/en/blog/96-breve-historia-del-papel.html.