1 CE
Upper Paleolithic Begins - 40,000 ya
Modern Humans move into Europe and human cultures begin rapid change -
Blade Technology - 40,000 ya
New tool manufacturing techniques are developed, creating tools with more and more specific utility and durability. Allows humans to manipulate environment further. Includes pressure flaking. -
More Complex Burials - 30,000ya
Evidence of complex burials is highlighted by the Sungir graves. People were interred with 3,000 beads, 25 bracelets and a flat stone pendant. Objects which would have taken a great deal of time to make. -
Humans Start Throwing Spears - 30,000 ya
First evidence of humans throwing spears. It is the result of a accumulation of technologies, including stone working and the creation of adhesives. -
Dolni Vestonice is Created - 30,000 to 27,000 ya
A fertility Idol is created by humans occupying the current day Czech Republic. More evidence of humans creating objects with no specific utility becomes more abundant. -
Evidence of nets produced = 29,000 - 22,000 ya
Ancient humans develop nets to capture small game in the modern day Czech Republic -
First Evidence of Pottery - 20,000 - 19,000 ya
The first evidence of humans creating pottery appears, found in China. -
Hunter Gathers Use Aggregation Sites - 15,000 ya
Evidence from Mal'ta and Mezhirich indicate hunter gathers started established homes to return to. They utilized large mammoth bones which would have been plentiful, though hard to carry home. -
Magdelanian Tools Developed - 16,000 to 11,000 ya
Further specialization of all tool types, with the addition of the creation of Harpoons for fishing and awls for punching holes(for clothing and baskets). -
Upper Paleolitic Ends - 10,000 ya
Modern history begins as humans move towards agriculture and city state building