Unwind Timeline

  • Connor finds out he is getting unwound

    Connor finds out he is getting unwound
    Connor goes into his fathers desk and finds three tickets to the Bahamas, but there are four people in his family. So he suspects that he is getting unwound. While he knows this information his parents don’t know he knows. So he goes about as if he doesn’t know anything and goes to his friend's house to see if she would go with him. She first says yes, but, later on, refuses. So he goes by himself and runs away.
  • Connor takes lev as hostage

    Connor takes lev as hostage
    Connor is now running away from the juvey cops and is trying to escape their tranq bullets. As Connor is running he causes a big crash which involves Lev’s car and Risa’s bus. As Lev is getting out of the car Connor takes him hostage. While the cops were trying to hit Connor with their bullets they accidentally hit Lev instead. That’s when Lev got knocked out and Connor saved him.
  • Risa and Connor pretend to be clappers

    Risa and Connor pretend to be clappers
    Lev, Risa, and Connor are all hiding in a school to get away from the cops. Lev betrays them and pulls the fire alarm to turn them in. After Risa and Connor find out what happened they try to escape by going out with the rest of the crowd. They go outside but the cops spot them and start questioning. To make a distraction they pretend to be clappers and start clapping, then they escape and run away.
  • Antique shop

    Antique shop
    When Risa and Connor were trying to escape from the school they got directions to go to an antique shop that is actually a safe house for unwinds. They make their way there and meet the owner. After they get settled in they meet their new companions. They stay down there for multiple days before they get picked up by an ice cream truck to take them to another place. But before they leave they all write notes for people they love.
  • Journey to Joplin

    Journey to Joplin
    After Lev pulled the fire alarm and turned Risa and Connor in, he regretted it and tried to escape with them. That failed and he found CyFi at the mall and became friends. CyFi has a piece of an unwind and is trying to go to the place where that unwind lived, Joplin. Lev goes with CyFi so he can survive and be a witness to the journey. After they make it to Joplin, CyFi finds where he needs to be.
  • The Graveyard gets destroyed

    The Graveyard gets destroyed
    A rumor spreads that the admiral was using unwinds for personal benefits. After the rumor spreads people start to get angry. They go to the plane where the admiral is in and tries to get in. After that fails they start taking apart the Airplane and destroying everything else in the graveyard. They keep destroying the graveyard until Connor stops them.
  • The helicopter lands

    The helicopter lands
    The admiral has a heart attack on the airplane. Risa tries to help him but can’t do much. Connor comes up with a plan and they carry it out. They grab Roland to fly a helicopter to the nearest hospital. Once they get to the hospital, Roland crashes the helicopter to land it. The doctor offers to do a heart transplant but the admiral refuses.
  • Roland gets unwound

    Roland gets unwound
    Everyone got captured including Roland. The people at Happy Jack come for Roland and take him to the unwinding center. They first switch out Rolands blood, then step by step they start taking him apart. Roland confesses things and admits that he's scared. He also starts remembering different memories until he’s no more.
  • Connor walks down the carpet

    Connor walks down the carpet
    The Happy Jack people come for Connor next. They take him early because he is causing a big ruckus and because he is the Akron AWOL. Connor thinks he needs to be a model for everyone else so he walks down the red carpet being brave. Everyone claps for him and cheers him on. Before Connor can get unwound, the building blows up.
  • Happy Jack gets blown up

    Happy Jack gets blown up
    Lev, Blaine, and Mai create a plan to become clappers and blow up Happy Jack. They start their plan and get into positions. Lev is running late. Neither Blaine nor Mai wants to go first. Blaine gets shot with a tranq bullet by the guard and blows up. Mai takes that as her queue and claps, blowing herself up. Lev hesitates and doesn’t go through with it.