UNSC Timeline

  • Presidential statement

    UNSC issues presidential statement on concern of the situation in Syria, calling for Syrian authorities to allow access for international humanitarian agencies and cooperate with the OHCHR.
  • UNSC and Syria

    UNSC issues press statement calling upon Syria to “allow immediate, full and unimpeded access of humanitarian personnel to all populations in need of assistance.”
  • Presidential Statement

    UNSC adopts a presidential statement expressing concern at situation in Syria + fully supporting the mission of JSE Kofi Annan.
  • Resolution 2024

    UNSC unanimously adopts Resolution 2024, authorizing advance team of 30 unarmed observers to report on the implementation of the ceasefire.
  • Resolution 2043

    UNSC unanimously adopts Resolution 2043, which authorizes UN Supervision Mission in Syria
  • Press Statement

    UNSC releases a press statement condemning the killing of over 100 people in Houla in attacks that involved the killing of civilians
  • Resolution 2059

    The UNSC adopts resolution 2059, renewing mandate of UNSMIS for 30 days.
  • UNSG and JSE

    The UNSG reiterates his support for new JSE, Lakhdar Brahimi.
  • UNSC and Syria

    The UNSC holds a special session to discuss the crisis in Syria.