Feb 9, 1473
Nicolaus Copernicus birth Torun, Poland
Oct 11, 1541
Copernicus published his manuscript
May 24, 1543
Nicolaus Copernicus' death
Legend has it that he was in a comma. Then he woke up to see his published book and died. -
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo was born
Period: to
Galileo was working on a telescope
Galileo published his letters about sunspots based on observations he made
galileos death
Newton was born
Newton published "Mathematical principles of natural phylosophy"
This is important because it contianed the 3 laws of motion. It also has his calculus observations and so much more. -
newtons death
Hubble was born
Hubble demostrates that there are galaxies beyond the milky way.
Hubble's law
His law is that the universe is expanding and that there are more galaxys. -
hubble's death
Hubble died because a heart attack.