
  • 12,000 BCE

    Stone Age migrated to Britain

    Stone Age migrated to Britain
    Rising water levels cut Britain off from Europe, those first people develop separate, living undisturbed on hunting and fishing
  • Period: 12,000 BCE to

    From Stone Age to Tudor dynasty

  • 4000 BCE

    Neolithic immigrants

    Neolithic immigrants
    A group of Neoliithic immigrants arrived from Europe, settled down and started to cultivated the land.
  • 2500 BCE

    Divided into tribes

    Divided into tribes
    As Britain entered the Iron Age the population began to divide into tribes
  • 1300 BCE


    A group of people from central Europe, started setting across much of Britain and Ireland. Tiny number they began to wander over the continent from the Swiss Alps, to the gentle valleys of Champagne, or the plans of Germany
  • 55 BCE

    Julius Caesar's arrial in Britain

    Julius Caesar's arrial in Britain
    From North to South the Romans built an extensie network of roads, most of which is still in use today and a gigantic wall, Hadrian's wallì, near the Scottish border, to coontrol and defende the area from Scottish tribes.
  • 400

    The departure of the Romans

    The departure of the Romans
    The Romans left the island undefending against the invasions of the Angles and Saxons from northern Germany.
  • 1066

    King Edward the Confessor died

    King Edward the Confessor died
    Harold Godwinsom was chosen, but the throne was also claimed by his couisn William, Duke of Normandy, who defeated Harold at the battle of Hastings and was crowned king of Ebglans with the name of William I.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Magna Carta, document which limited the power of the sovereign in favour of the barons, feudalism began its slow decline.
  • 1337

    The Hundered Years' war

    The Hundered Years' war
    The Hundered year's war with France began.
  • 1455

    Wars of the Roses

    Wars of the Roses
    Wars of the Roses between the York and the Lancaster began, which resulted in a new royal house the Tudors.
  • 1485

    Battle at Bosworth

    Battle at Bosworth
    Henry Tudor, Duke of Richmond, won the final battle and acended at the trone as Henry VII.
  • 1558

    Elisabeth I

    Elisabeth I
    Elisabeth I, Henry VIII daughter, ascended the throne and reigned until 1603.