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United States Timeline: The 1970's

  • Period: to


  • Kent State Shootings

    Kent State Shootings
    Occured at Kent State University in Ohio and involved the shooting of unnamed college students by the Ohio National Guard. Four students were killed and 9 others were wounded. This event epitomized the division that the Vietnam War had created in America.
  • Invasion of Cambodia

    Invasion of Cambodia
    President Nixon announces that US troops were invading Cambodia.North Vietnamese sent aid to their troops in the South through this country. Many Americans responded in shock and anger.
  • The Film "The Godfather" is Released

    The Film "The Godfather" is Released
    "The Godfather" was a full length film about gangsters. It was deemed one of the greatest films in world cinema. It was very influential and had two sequels after it.
  • Mark Spitz Wins 7 Gold Medals at Olympics in Munich, West Germany

    Mark Spitz Wins 7 Gold Medals at Olympics in Munich, West Germany
    America takes all the gold medals in the swimming portion of the 1992 summer olympics. Mark set a new world record in each of the events, winning by a halfstroke.
  • Watergate Break In

    Watergate Break In
    Watergate was a scandal involving President Nixon and a break in at the Democratic National Headquarters. This scandal cost the president his title. He admitted later on about knowing about the break in and resigned.
  • U.S. Supreme Rules on Roe vs. Wade

    U.S. Supreme Rules on Roe vs. Wade
    Abortion was legalized. Jane Roe and Henry Wade were involved in the debate. It cleared the laws against abortion and deemed it unconstitutional.
  • Congress Initiates Impeachment Proceedings Against Nixon

    Congress Initiates Impeachment Proceedings Against Nixon
    Nixon is impeached for the Watergate scandal. He resigns and leaves his presidency before he can be impeached and Gerald Ford takes his place as President of the United States. Many people of the public agreed to impeach Nixon because they didn't trust him.
  • American Withdrawal from Vietnam

    American Withdrawal from Vietnam
    Over two millions americans were involoved in the VIETNAM war. By the time nixon started withdrawing troops, he had commended vietnamization.
  • Gerald Ford becomes Vice-President

    Gerald Ford becomes Vice-President
    Gerald R. Ford becomes vice president and later becomes the president of the UNITED STATES
  • Arab Oil Embargo

    Arab Oil Embargo
    The arab nations cut off oil supply to the united states for aiding Isrel. Cars lined in lines for gas and it was sold out frequently.
  • President Nixon Resigns

    President Nixon Resigns
    After dealing with the Watergate scandal, congress decided to impeach Nixon. Before they could proceed with the impeachment, Nixon resigned from his post as President and let Gerald Ford take his place. This caused doubts about politicians among the Americans.
  • Bill Gates establishes Microsoft

    Bill Gates establishes Microsoft
    A large advancement to the technology department concerning computers. It hastened the production of the home computer as we know it.
  • South Vietnam Falls to North Vietnam

    South Vietnam Falls to North Vietnam
    The Vietcong take over South Vietnamese Capitol, and assault the U.S embassy shortly after the withdrawl of U.S troops. Although looked upon as a defeat by the U.S, it United North and South Vietnam as one nation.
  • America's Bicentenniel is celebrated

    America's Bicentenniel is celebrated
    The 200th aniversary of the adoption of The Declaration of Independance. Brought an ease to the current events during the time.
  • Commodore PET released for sale.

    Commodore PET released for sale.
    8 gigs of RAM. Very cheap, and poor quality at first, but was upgraded. Used in classrooms across the country.
  • Democrat Jimmy Carter becomes President of the United States.

    Democrat Jimmy Carter becomes President of the United States.
    Jimmy Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize after leaving office. He was involved with the Department of Energy and Education and SALT II.
  • Majority of Draft Evaders are Pardoned by Jimmy Carter

    Majority of Draft Evaders are Pardoned by Jimmy Carter
    On Jimmy Carters first campaign promise he pardons the majority of draft dodgers. Brought on good and bad vibes, good from the amnesty groups and bad from the Veterans.
  • Television Miniseries "Roots" premieres.

    Television Miniseries "Roots" premieres.
    Produced on a budget of $6.6 million. It was about the hardships that slaves had to go through and how they came to power. It was about one african american's journey to freedom.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    US made agreements with Egypt and Isreal. This was the first agreement made with Egypt.
  • Heiress Patty Hearst is kidnapped.

    Heiress Patty Hearst is kidnapped.
    The kidnapping resulted in multiple robberies by the heiress herself. Her trial was the trial of the century. The gang that captured her in the beginning was called the Symbionese Liberation Army.
  • Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident

    Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident
    Partial meltdown that resulted in small amounts of radioactive gases. It caused much confusion.
  • Iran Hostages Crisis Begins

    Iran Hostages Crisis Begins
    8 troops died and the destruction of 3 U.S navey aircraft happened durring an accident. Marked the beginning of US legal action against Iran.