
United States Timeline: The 1970s

  • Period: to

    United States Timeline: The 1970s

  • The Invasion of Cambodia

    The Invasion of Cambodia
    The United States military invaded Cambodia and campaigned against the Vietcong in Eastern Cambodia. Back in mainland America, students protest this expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia.
  • Kent State Shooting

    Kent State Shooting
    Occurred at Kent State University in Ohio and involved the shooting of unarmed college students by the Ohio National Guard. Four Students were killed, and 9 others were wounded. this event epitomized the division that the Vietnam War had created in America.
  • Godfather is Released

    Godfather is Released
    This is an American crime film directed by Francis Ford Coppola and is about a New York crime family. This film is often considered one of the “greatest films in cinema”. Made the gangster genre in film grow.
  • Watergate Break-in

    Watergate Break-in
    A break-in at the Democratic National Convention headquarters. Nixon’s administration attempted to cover up the scandal, and Nixon’s direct involvement in the case led to his resignation.
  • Mark Spitz wins 7 Olympic Gold

    Mark Spitz wins 7 Olympic Gold
    Spitz won 7 Olympic gold medals for swimming in one Olympic Games. Set world record in each of the 7 events in the Munich Games. Around the same time as the ‘72 games, was the Munich Massacre done by Palestinian terrorists. One of the US coaches called US Marines to protects the Jewish Americans on the US Olympic teams (Mark Spitz and Bill Schmidt).
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    This US Supreme Court case rules abortion as legal, stating that a woman has the right to her own body. This ruling is controversial, and remains so to this day.
  • American Withdrawal from Vietnam

    American Withdrawal from Vietnam
    When the Americans withdrew from Vietnam, troops return home and prisoners of war are exchanged. But the peace agreement doesn’t end the fighting in Vietnam, although the fighting is now done between the Vietnamese.
  • Gerald Ford Becomes Vice President

    Gerald Ford Becomes Vice President
    Vice President Agnew resigned after charges of tax evasion, money laundering, and taking bribes. Gerald Ford is appointed Vice President by Nixon. When he becomes President after Nixon resigns, Ford becomes the only President not to be elected to office.
  • Arab Oil Embargo

    Arab Oil Embargo
    OAPEC proclaims an oil embargo and stops selling oil to the United States. Causes oil shortages in the US. In America people start to buy smaller, more fuel efficient cars.
  • Patty Hearst is Kidnapped

    Patty Hearst is Kidnapped
    At 19-years-old, the heiress is kidnapped by the SLA (Symbionese Liberation Army). She eventually joins the SLA, sympathizing with their cause. She eventually helps them rob a bank. In 1975, she has a warrant out for her arrest, and is arrested by the FBI.
  • Congress Initiates Impeachment Proceedings Against Nixon

    Congress Initiates Impeachment Proceedings Against Nixon
    After Nixon is revealed to be a part of covering up the Watergate scandal, the US legislature starts impeachment proceedings to force the President out of office.
  • President Nixon Resigns

    President Nixon Resigns
    With the release of the damning tapes of recorded conversations in the Oval Office, Nixon is proven to be a part of the Watergate cover-up. And with the threat of impeachment over his head, Nixon resigns the presidency. After Gerald Ford then becomes president, he pardons Nixon of his crimes. Nixon is the only president to date to have resigned the presidency.
  • South Vietnam Falls to the North

    South Vietnam Falls to the North
    When Saigon falls to the communist North Vietnamese, the civil war in Vietnam is finally drawn to a close. Vietnam is then completely governed by a communistic government.
  • American Bicentennial

    American Bicentennial
    America’s 200th birthday. Celebrations are done all around the country. Special coins are pressed, and there are speeches by officials and parties all over the nation.
  • Bill Gates Establishes Microsoft

    Bill Gates Establishes Microsoft
    He is the creator of Microsoft, which is a combination of MITS’s microcomputer and his own inventions. This ends up making Gates one of the wealthiest men in the world.
  • Commodore PET is released

    Commodore PET is released
    The PET is a home and personal computer. It is successful despite complaints about the durability of the keyboard.
  • Jimmy Carter Becomes President

    Jimmy Carter Becomes President
    During his time in office, there is a continuation of inflation of the American dollar and a recession. There is an energy crisis, Cater bails out the Chrysler Corporation, and he cuts military pay raises due to lack of money. He tried to help with conflicts in the Middle East.
  • Draft Dodgers Pardoned by Carter

    Draft Dodgers Pardoned by Carter
    Those who dodged the draft during the Vietnam War are pardoned, with exceptions to those who were military deserters and those involved in violent protesting. This action is criticized by veterans of the war.
  • Television Miniseries Roots Premieres

    Television Miniseries Roots Premieres
    Roots is a TV show that chronicles the life of Kunta Kinte – an African born man brought to the United States and sold into slavery.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    A peace agreement between Israel and Egypt. The United States oversees the negotiations as a neutral party. Tries to stop disputes between Israel and the Arab nations surrounding it. US gives financial aid to both of the countries involved in the agreement.
  • Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident

    Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident
    This is the worst nuclear power accident in the United States to date. This incident was caused by mechanical failures that were then not recognized by the operators. There was a partial core meltdown in the reactor. An emergency evacuation went into effect and 40,000 gallons of radioactive waste went into the Susquehanna River. This accident led to the loss of credibility in the area's press and a distrust in nuclear energy.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis begins

    Iran Hostage Crisis begins
    52 Americans are held by a group of Islamic students when they take over the American Embassy in Tahran. The prisoners are held for 444 days. Carter refuses to deal with the terrorists and refuses to give into their blackmail. Tensions and suspicions against Iranians in America rise because of this incident.