Mexican Settlers
Juan de Oñate comes with 500 Spanish immigrants to become the first settlers in New Mexico. Resources in the american history. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.historypictures.com/home_ah_cd.htm -
Jamestown Settlement
Jamestown was chosen as teh first settlment for the Virginia Company. Jamestown settlement. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.virginiabeach.family-vacations.net/jamestown-settlement/ -
Mayflower Compact
The first written form of government is signed aboard the Mayflower by 41 English Colonists. Mayflower compact. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.history.com/topics/mayflower-compact -
Legal Slavery
Massachusetts becomes the first colony to legalize slavery. Massachusetts studies project. (1997). Retrieved from http://www.msp.umb.edu/afam/AfAmTimelines.html -
Aritcles of Confederation Ratified
The Document agreed upon by the United States 13 founding states, This document would served as America's first Constitution. United states articles of confederation. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.constitutionfacts.com/us-articles-of-confederation/ -
Naturalization Act of 1790
The first set of guidelies and rules for the United States to follow when granting National Citizenship. Kaufman, K. J. (2009, August 11). Natural born citizen. Retrieved from http://hesnotmypresident.wordpress.com/2009/08/11/natural-born-citizen-chapter-3-the-naturalization-act-of-1790/ -
Homestead Act of 1862
The Homestead Act of 1862 was the first of several Federal Laws that gave people land for very cheap if not free. The Law was signed in by President Abraham Lincoln. boltz, M. (2012). The civil war:lincoln's homestead act of 1862, bane or blessing?. Retrieved from http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/civil-war/2012/may/28/civil-war-lincolns-homestead-act-1862-bane-or-bles/ -
Chinese Exclusion Act
One of the most degrading laws in America, the first time a specific ethnic group was prevented from entering the country. The penalty for breaking this law was imprisonment and deportation. Immigration to the united states 1789-1930 . (2013). Retrieved from http://ocp.hul.harvard.edu/immigration/exclusion.html -
Ellis Island Opens
The island that was the gateway for over 25 million immigrants coming to America. AP. (2010, September 1). New york-ellis island immigrants' oral histories. Retrieved from http://www.vosizneias.com/63446/2010/09/01/new-york-ellis-island-immigrants-oral-histories-go-online/ -
Immigration act of 1917
A law passed to restrict the immigration of those deemed'undesirable' but not limited to "idiots,poor,epileptics and gays to name a few. Immigration:pursuing the american dream. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://library.thinkquest.org/06aug/00439/kate/illegalimmigration2.html -
U.S. Border Patrol
A Federal Law Enforcement Agency is established to enforce law and regulate those attempting to enter the country illegally. Usbp. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.usborderpatrol.com/Border_Patrol92c.htm -
War Brides Act
Enacted allowing non-Asian children and spouses of United States military personnel to enter the States after World War 2. More than 100,000 would enter under this act. J. Wilt, B. (n.d.). War brides. Retrieved from http://www.americainwwii.com/articles/war-brides/ -
Creation of Homeland Security
A cabinet department created following September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Responsabilities are protecting the country against terrorist attacks. Introduction to homeland security. (2011, December 10). Retrieved from http://colbycriminaljustice.wikidot.com/homeland-security -
Arizona SB 1070
The controversial Arizona immigration bill signed into law by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Under the Law, law enforcement can question anyone presumed to be a possible illegal alien. ny alien not with proper documentation in Arizona can be arrested on scene and charged with a misdemeanor Sb 1070 protest and counter-protest at texas capitol. (2010, September 9). Retrieved from http://austin.indymedia.org/article/2010/09/29/sb1070-protest-and-counter-protest-texas-capitol -
Supreme Court upholds centerpiece of Arizona SB 1070
The U.S. Supreme Court strikes down three sections of Arizona SB 1070 but upholds key sections. Sb 1070 protest and counter-protest at texas capitol. (2010, September 9). Retrieved from http://austin.indymedia.org/article/2010/09/29/sb1070-protest-and-counter-protest-texas-capitol