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united states history class

  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    The boston massacre was an event that a british splatoon shot at a mob and killed five coloniasts.
  • The Decloration of Independence

    The Decloration of Independence
    Due to the twenty-seven tyrannical acts of the british crown, Thomas Jefferson wrote the Decloration of Independence for freedom of the colonies. Which had fifty-six supporters.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The purchase was land bought from the french leader, Napoleon. it included everything west of the mississippi trade node all the way to the rocky mountains.
  • The Lewis and CLark journey west

    The Lewis and CLark journey west
    Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were sent to explore the American West; their tasks were to documaent and map the land and it's habitants, they were orderd by President Jefferson.
  • The Texas war for independence

    The Texas war for independence
    After the Alamo incedent, Sam Houstan lead troops to free the land of Texas. The war was against Mexican Presidant General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Attack on Fort Sumter
    While waiting for supplies, Fort sumter's garrison was attacked byconfederate soldiers. This event was the mark of the union war against the southern rebellion.
  • Incorperation of Peurto Rico

    Incorperation of Peurto Rico
    Origanally a spaniord colony, Peurto Rico was ceded to America under the Treaty of Paris. It is still a non-stated provence to this day.
  • Brown v. board of education

    Brown v. board of education
    A school segregation case, named after linda brown, caused the supreme court to rule segregation illegal.
  • The death of Elvis Presley

    The death of Elvis Presley
    A popular musician, which started when he was nineteen, dies of an overdose on prescription barbiturates.
  • 9/11 terrorist attack

    9/11 terrorist attack
    After the terrorist attack on the world trade center and the pentagon, the U.S. attack Taliban and later kill the terrorist leader Bin Laden.
  • the birth of Aaryon Luis Arroyo-Ortiz

    the birth of Aaryon Luis Arroyo-Ortiz
    a Puerto rican male, born in lancasters women and childrens hospital, Pennsylvania.