United States History 1900-1920

  • Period: to

    Presidency of William McKinley

    25th President of the US
  • Period: to

    Phillipine American War

    armed conflict between the Philippines and the United States from
    1899-1902. It was a continuation of the Philippine struggle for independence. The war ended when
    Aguinaldo surrendered in 1902.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    A rebellion in 1900s in which members of a Chinese secret society
    sought to free their country from Western influence
  • U.S. Steel founded by JP Morgan

  • Period: to

    Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt

    26th President of the US
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    a law passed to remove harmful and
    misrepresented foods and drugs from the market and
    regulate the manufacture and sale of drugs and food
    involved in interstate trade
  • Davis Act of 1908

    Established National Guard and Military Reserves
  • Period: to

    Presidency of William Howard Taft

    27th President of the US
  • Hetch Hetchy Valley Dam

    Congress approved to build a dam and flood the Valley to
    benefit residents of San Diego
  • Period: to

    Presidency of Woodrow Wilson

    28th President of the US
  • Sinking of Lucitania

    Germans sank the RMS Lusitania- 100+ American lives were lost
  • National Defense Act of 1916

    Established National Guard and Military Reserves
  • Selective Service Act of 1917

    established the military draft for young boys from 21-30 years of age
  • Russia surrenders to Germany and exits the War

    Nov. 1917
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    “secret” communication that proposed a
    diplomatic alliance between Mexico and Germany. Mexico encouraged to attack America
  • Espionage and Sedition Act

    Stripped dissenters and protestors their right to publically resist the war
  • Red Summer

    the race riots of the Red Summer of 1919 rocked Chicago, setting the city on a course of racial segregation. Sparked by wartime racial tensions and the “Great Migration”
  • Treaty of Versailles

    officially ended the world war