United States Entering the War

By jts3988
  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • World War 1 Starts, United States Tries to Stay Neutral

    World War 1 Starts, United States Tries to Stay Neutral
    The United States wanted to stay out of the war as long as possible. So they stayed neutral for a few years. The United States finally joined the war after the sinking of two Submarines, The Lusitania and The Sussex. This act by the Germans finally threw the United States over the edge. http://goo.gl/loAwu
  • Arabic Pledge

    Arabic Pledge
    The Arabic Pledge was a pledge made by the German Empire wher, they promised to limit unrestricted submarine warfare. This pledge was made when they sunk the Arabic, and a American ship. They angred americans after sinking there boats and American threatened to join the war. This caused the Germans to create the arabic pledge, they broke the pledge by sinking Sussex.
  • Sinking of The Sussex

    Sinking of The Sussex
    The Sinking of the Sussex was the second time a ship had been torpedoed causing American Casualities. There were 25 American casualities. This infuriated americans. This was the second time Americans had been killed because Germans were shooting at an unarmed boat. This was the final straw. The United States had to get involved in the war. http://goo.gl/ng1zK
  • Zimmermann’s Telegram

    Zimmermann’s Telegram
    TheZimmermann’s telegram was a coded message, the telegram telegram from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to German ambassador in Mexico, Heinrich von Eckardt. The telegraph wanted Mexico to possibly form alliance with Germany, if the United States was likely to joined the war. The offered United States territory to Mexico in return for joining the German cause.offering United States territory to Mexico in return for joining the German cause. Mexico ignored then formally rejected the off
  • President Wilson learns of Zimmermann Telegram

    President Wilson learns of Zimmermann Telegram
    On February 24, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson learns of the so-called Zimmermann Telegram. When President Wilson received the telegram, he was shocked by the note's content and the next day proposed to Congress that the U.S. should start arming its ships against possible German attacks.
  • U.S. Congress Declares War on Germany

    U.S. Congress Declares War on Germany
    This was the day that the United States broke away from being neutral. The Germans had aggravated them greatly and they had to stop them. After the sinking of the Lusitania and the loss of 15 American lives, President Wilson declares war against Germany after a meeting with Congress. Wilson, fully aware of the upsetting yet inevitable participation in the war, believed that participating in the war would most likely make America less humane and overall weaker.
  • Lusitania was torpedoed

    Lusitania was torpedoed
    On May 7th, British ocean liner Lusitania was torpedoed without warning, off the coast of Ireland. Of the 139 american citizens aboard Lusitania, 128 lost their lives, and there was massive outrage in Britain and America. After learning about what happened former President Roosevelt called for action while, President Wilson made a decision the United States would remain neutral. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShOHb67h4Qc
  • “ He kept us out of war”

    “ He kept us out of war”
    “ He kept us out of war” was the slogan president Wilson used for this re-election, it was targeted to , citizens who were against the United States joining the War. Wilson fought hard to maintain America's neutral status in World War One. Ironically the United States entered the war in April.
  • The Selective Service Act is Passed

    The Selective Service Act is Passed
    The Unite States was ready to enter WW1 against the Germans. But before they could do this they needed a larger army so the Government passed the Selective service act. This act caused men that were in their prime to be drafted and if they were healthy enough had to go to war. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtEqn5s0LJk
  • Economy

    United States had huge economic investments with the British and French, ( they amounted up to 2 billion dollars). If they lost the war, we would not get our money back and the United States economy could collapse. France and England were financing the war with the loan that United State’s gave them. Also with the loan they were buying massive amounts of weapons.