First Natural Gas Well
William Hart drills first natural gas well near Fredonia, NY -
Oil first discovered
Oil first discovered in a well near Titusville, PA -
Thomas Edison files for patent for the lightbulb
Thomas Edison applies for a patent after inventing his lightbulb. -
First Electrical Network opens in New York City
First large scale electrical supply network opens in Lower Manhattan, NY, with 59 customers -
First Hydroelectric-specific Dam Opens
The first dam sepifically built for electrcity, the Austin Dam, opens. -
Almost all Americans have Electricity
First Nuclear Power Plant
The Shippingport Reactor opens in Pennsylvania, as the first reactor to be used to generate electricity. -
First Geothermal Plant
First commercial geothermal plant opens in California. Called The Geysers. -
First Solar Power Plant
The Solar Energy Generating Systems open in the Mojave Desert, California. -
Largest Wind Farm in the World Opens
The Roscoe WinD Farm in Texas opens, the largest in the world.