
United Sates war

  • Draft

    With a war going on over in Europe all men between the ages 21 and 36 were required to register with the draft. On the frist day more than 16 million American men signed up. After Pearl Harbor all men between the ages of 18 and 65 were required to sign up.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Was a Japnese attack on America. It is rembered as one of the most tragic events of World War 2. OF the 8 battle ships that were hit in Pearl HArbor all were repaired but the Arizona, Oklahoma, and Utah.
  • Japanese Americans

    Japanese Americans
    After Pearl Harbor Japanese were classified as enemy aliens. They were forced into camps in the American west. They were also removed from all exclusion zones.
  • Death at Bataan

    Death at Bataan
    Japanese forces defeated the US and the Filpino army in the Battle of Bataan. Then they forced 70,000 captured soilders to march more than 60 miles in the heat. Only 54,000 survived the march, 1,000 Americans were killed in the march.
  • U-boat Peril

    U-boat Peril
    Germany luanched a series of uboat raids on the US. For than 6 months the U-boats hovered around the Eastern US coast. The boats sank nearly 400 allied ships.
  • The Kamikaze

    The Kamikaze
    Japan changed its air tactics, they flew a group called Kamikaze's with a plane full of explosives into enemy ships. The suicide attacks proved devastatingly effective. It increased heavy losses on US forces.
  • Leyte Gulf

    Leyte Gulf
    Japan and the US waged the largest naval battle of World War II, and one of the largest in history. It was to gain control of the Philippine Islands. The US won and crippled the Jpanese navy.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    30,00 marines began their assualt on Iwo Jima, a small Japanese island. This battle produced on of the most highest casualty rates of World War 2. The Japanese hid in underground caves and trenches.
  • USS Enterprise

    USS Enterprise
    The most decorated naval ship of World War II. It participated on more battles than any other US ship. It received 20 battle stars.
  • The Atomic Bomb

    The Atomic Bomb
    The US forces dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing more than 100,000 people and exposed thousands more to radaition. On August 15, Emperor Hirohito annouced Japan's surrender. America dropped a 9,700 pound uranium bomb on Hiroshima.