Lague of Nations
The league of Nations was created after World War 1 to prevent wars but it failed with the creation of World War 2. The League of Nations was the first ONU but it failed because it hadent enough countries being part of it and it lacked of power agianst wars (army). -
United Nations is Formed
After World War 2 occurred 51 countries committed to maintain security and world peace . The result of this was the United Nations and they will preform this by having a good and stable politic relationships. -
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The universal declaration of human rights consist on 30 unbrakable rights to protect humans . Roosvelts wife Elenor was one of the creators of the declaration of human rights This document was the first one to have internacional normative value. -
Countries Joining the United Nations
This year 17 countries joined the United Nations, most of these countries belonged to the African continent. The only nation that wasent from afriva was Cyprus that is a south west asian country. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban nuclear crisis was when the Soviet Union had nuclear weapons stationed in Cuba. This wapons had a nuclear power resulting on a huge thread to the United States civilians. -
Treaty of Non-Proliferations of Nuclear Weapons
The treaty on Non-Prolifeerations nuclear weapons was when thhe general assambley approved the treaty yo prevent the usage of nuclear weapons. -
First United Nations Human Rights Conference
This conference took place on Vienna, Austria to defend the people Human Rights. During the conference 171 delagates from diffrent countries strengthen the Human Rights.