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Unit9 Middle Ages Timeline

  • 1347 BCE

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The black death was a global epidemic. It struck Europe around the mid 1300 and there was 12 ships that left the black sea heading toward the Sicilian port of Messina when most people on the ships had passed by the black death. This big tragedy resulted with a]25 million people dying from the plague.
  • 1095 BCE

    Total Years of Crusades

    Total Years of Crusades
    The Crusades were religions wars where Muslims and Christians would battle each other. Christians fought the Muslims to prevent them from making further conquest in the christians lands.
  • 476 BCE

    Fall of Rome

    Fall of Rome
    The Roman Empire was a huge Empire but it slowly fell down in course of 1000 years.One of the main reasons was Barbarian invasion. Barbarian tribes invaded the Roman lands in the 4th century A.D. The Roman lands had armies but the amount of people from the barbarian tribes was too much to control. Another big cause of the Fall of Rome was lack of leadership, the government was corrupt and most emperors didn't know how to take control and it lead them to have financial problems.
  • 137 BCE

    100 Years of War

    100 Years of War
    A war between France and England. This war lasted 116 years and what caused it was a dispute between king Edward lll and Philip Vl. They both had different thoughts with federal rights so they fought over the crown of France. The French won and were handed over the control of all France besides Calais.
  • 768

    The Reign of Charlemagne

    The Reign of Charlemagne
    Charlemagne was a Emperor who ruled most of the western Europe. He strived to gather all germanic people into one only kingdom and was a christian. Pope Leo lll made Charlemagne emperor of the Romans. He accomplished a lot in his later years and ruled for a long time.
  • Jun 8, 783

    The age of the Vikings

    The age of the Vikings
    The vikings were normal people living in the north who were farmers and sailors. But the lack of water and too many people they began to raid villages who had access to water and good weather. they were known to be very violent and cruel. Their targets later changed into stealing gold all valuable stuff sometimes even took slaves. There was multiple groups of vikings and they would travel anywhere to get what they wanted sometimes the vikings even fought each other.
  • 862

    Rurik Begins His Rule of Novgorod

    Rurik Begins His Rule of Novgorod
    Rurik was a Varangian also known as a viking. In the 860s Rurik built the Holmgard settlement near Novgorod. He was the founder of the Rurik Dynasty. Rurik did some significant geographical and political formation on the Kievan. Rurik people ruled Russia for the 16th century and Rurick and his people accomplished a lot of stuff such as him being founder of many groups.
  • 1240

    Golden Horde Conquer Russia

    Golden Horde Conquer Russia
    The Golden Horde was the group of settled Mongols who were in charged of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, and the Caucasus. This group was formed by Batu Khan, Genghis Khan and even the mongols empire. The original name of The Golden Horde's name was "Altan Ordu," its said that the inspiration was from yellow tents that rulers had used back then.
  • 1421

    Joan of Arc Leading The French

    Joan of Arc Leading The French
    Joan of Arc was a peasant before anything but during the 100 year war she only 16 believed that she was gods chosen one to help save France. She convinced the court and the King allowed her and let her be in the war. she captured the siege city of Orleans in just 8 days. Joan tried to convince the king to do more but Joan was too powerful and they held her captive, after a year she signed a confession and they burned her at the stake. But on 1920 the french honored her.
  • May 29, 1453

    Constantinople Falls To The Turks

    Constantinople Falls To The Turks
    May 29, 1453 CE is when the Byzantine Empire ended due to the Constantinople falling to the Ottoman turks. After it falling later on it was constructed into the Islamic city of Istanbul.