Unit Six Key Events

  • Gold Standard

    Gold Standard
    Industrialists and bankers favored this policy which required that every paper dollar in circulation be backed by a dollar's worth of gold in the United States Treasury.
  • Brink of the Buffalo Extinction

    Brink of the Buffalo Extinction
    Buffalo almost became extinct due to westward expansion and over hunting. This strongly impacted the Plains Indians, as they were part of their culture.
  • Cowboys

    This was a term for Mexicans who led long drives of cattle from the American west to meat markets in the Midwest and North
  • Robber Baron

    Robber Baron
    This was a nickname for the big business owners who gained huge profits by paying their employees with very low wages.
  • Gilded Age

    Gilded Age
    This is when businesses grew at a fast rate and many problems lied below perceived prosperity
  • Chinese Exclusion

    Chinese Exclusion
    When the American people felt threated by job competition, they decided to deny any additional Chinese laborers to enter the country.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    This was a nonviolent strike that shut down western railroads because the Pullman workers were tired of the poor wages.