Unit Project

  • $ Nellie Mcclung published the book “In Times Like These”

    Progress Rating: 0 [...] to bring children into the world, suffering from the handicaps caused by ignorance, poverty, or criminality of the parents, is an appalling crime against the innocent and hopeless, and yet one about which practically nothing is said. Marriage, homemaking, and the rearing of children are left entirely to chance, and so it is no wonder that humanity produces so many specimens who, if they were silk stockings or boots, would be marked “seconds”. -In Times Like These
  • & May 18th, 1916: The Business Profits War Tax Act of 1916

    & May 18th, 1916: The Business Profits War Tax Act of 1916
    Progress Rating: +2 Primary source: The Grain Growers Guide, 1 Aug 1917.
  • $ June 19, 1916: Jeremiah Jones enlisted as a private with the 106th Battalion in Truro, Nova Scotia.

    Progress Rating: +1 Quote/Primary Source:
    Neither my men nor myself would care to sleep alongside them, or to eat with them, especially in warm weather.
    -General W.H. Allan
  • $ 1917: Women began entering the workforce

    $ 1917: Women began entering the workforce
    Progress Rating: +1 Image: George Andrew Reid “Women Operators”
  • @ September 1917: The Military Voters Act and the War-time Elections Act were given Royal Assent

    @ September 1917: The Military Voters Act and the War-time Elections Act were given Royal Assent
    Progress Rating: +1 Primary Source/Image:
    Informative leaflets were distributed amongst Canadian military personnel to inform them of the changes brought into effect by the passing of the Military Voters Act of 1917.
  • $ May 19th, 1918: Air attack on the 1st Canadian General Hospital

    $ May 19th, 1918: Air attack on the 1st Canadian General Hospital
    Progress Rating: +1 Primary Source:
    Newspaper from July 1918 declares that the hospital ship was a victim of German savagery .
  • $ November 11, 1918: The armistice of November 11, 1918

    $ November 11, 1918: The armistice of November 11, 1918
    Progress Rating: +2 Primary Source/Image:
    The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, November 11, 1918: newspaper celebrating peace and the armistice
  • @ 1919: PM Borden amended the Immigration act

    @ 1919:  PM Borden amended the Immigration act
    Progress Rating: +2 Primary Source/Image:
    Mustt Santi 1921 registration:
  • $ 1920: Change in the Indian Act to forces Indigenous children between the ages of 7 and 15 to attend residential school.

    Progress Rating: -2 Primary Source:
    I want to get rid of the Indian problem. I do not think as a matter of fact, that this country ought to continuously protect a class of people who are able to stand alone. That is my whole point…Our object is to continue until there is not a single Indian in Canada that has not been absorbed into the body politic, and there is no Indian question, and no Indian department, that is the whole object of this Bill.
    -Duncan Campbell Scott
  • @ 1923: Chinese Immigration Act of 1923

    @ 1923: Chinese Immigration Act of 1923
    Progress Rating: -2