Linear equatons

Unit Plan - Unit 3: Linear Functions

  • Lesson 1 Pre-Assessment/Intro

    Hand out pre-assessment - 30 minutes - assess students understanding of basics of algebra and pre-requisite skills
  • Period: to

    Unit Plan - Linear Equations

  • Lesson 2 - Create and Solve Linear Equations for Real Life Situations

    Concept - Convey relationship between two variables
    Skill - evaluate at a ponit by plugging in/interpreting word problems
  • Lesson 3 - Graphing Linear Equations

    Creating table of solutions
    Concept - connecion an equation to its graph
    Skill - evaluate solutions by plugging them in
  • Lesson 4 - Determing x & y-intercepts to Graph

    Concept - understanding the x-intercept is where y=0 and y-intercept is where x=0
  • Lesson 5 - Weekly Quiz & Compare/Contrast slopes of Graphs

    Assess students understanding of week 1 material
    Concept - a slope can be zero, positive, negative, or undefined. (stdents may confuse undefined slope with 0 slope)
    Skill - determing which variable goes on the x-axis and which on the y-axis
  • Lesson 6 - Determing Slope of a Line Given 2 Ordered Pairs

    Concept - understanding that if the slope is positive x increases and y increases, etc.
    Skill - knowing to look at the graph if te two points are not explicitly given
  • Lesson 7 - Continuation of Lesson 6

  • Lesson 8 - Slope = Rate of Change Between 2 Variables

    Concept - 1 quantity increases at a constant rate per unit interval to another - if slope is positive means x increases as y increases
    Skill - explain slope as it relates to its graph
  • Lesson 9 - Weekly Quiz & Work on Project

    Quiz to assess week 1 and week 2 knowledge
    Students work on project in class
  • Lesson 10 - Point Slope Formula

    Concept - understanding what what each variable in the equation y = mx + b is
    Skill - determining lines, slopes, y intercept when given 2 points - ie write the equation in point slope formula
  • Lesson 11 - Analyze Parameters of Liner Equations

    Concept - understanding what will happen to the equation and graph if one or more variable is changed
    Skill- generalize about coefficients and their effects on the graph (y-int will shift graph up or down.
  • Lesson 12 - Review for Unit Exam & Projects Due

    Exam will be on entire unit - complete review packet in class - finish for hw