Unit One Egypt Time line

  • 3150 BCE

    Unification of Upper and lower Egypt

    Unification of Upper and lower Egypt
    King Menes leads his army to unite bottom and upper Egypt. It was important because Egypt was divided at this time. King Menes led his army to defeat the bottom of Egypt.
  • 3000 BCE

    Trade established between Syria and Egypt.

    Trade established between Syria and Egypt.
    Trading has already been implemented, the Egyptians started trading with the Mesopotamians . In 3000 BCE they started to trade with Syria. This showed that they were beginning to branch out and were getting different goods from different people and places.
  • 2890 BCE

    Xois inscribed on Palermo Stone as an ancient city during the 5th Dynasty.

    Xois inscribed on Palermo Stone as an ancient city during the 5th Dynasty.
    Contains a list of names of past Egyptian kings from the first dynasty (3150–2890 BCE). Took place during the early 5th dynasty of Egypt. It helped preserve the royal family and was the history of the old kingdom. Was important for keeping and letting people know who were "Royals".
  • 2670 BCE

    Construction of the Step Pyramid of Djoser

    Construction of the Step Pyramid of Djoser
    Made by the Imhotep. The Step Pyramid at Saqqara was built for Pharaoh Djoser during the Third Dynasty. It is considered the earliest colossal stone building in Egypt and represents a advancement in building techniques. (2670-2680 BCE)
  • 2600 BCE

    Reign of Sneferu and the Bent Pyramid

    Reign of Sneferu and the Bent Pyramid
    pharaoh Snefru, the leader of the Fourth Dynasty is credited with several changes in pyramid making this being the Bent Pyramid at Dahshur. This structure showed the transition from step pyramids to smooth sided pyramids. Snefru’s reign marked a period of architectural experimentation and laid the groundwork for the later construction of the famous pyramids at Giza.
  • 2560 BCE

    Construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza

    Construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza
    The pyramid of Giza shows the amazing engineering skills of the Egyptians and their belief in the afterlife. The pyramid served as a tomb. The Great Pyramid is a testament to the social organization and resources available in ancient Egypt. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built around 2580 BC and completed around 2560 BC
  • 2465 BCE

    The Great Sphinx of Giza is built

    The Great Sphinx of Giza is built
    likely comes from the reign of King Khafre. The statue is built looking like him. It is one of Egypt’s most famous landmarks and is arguably the best-known example of sphinx art. it was likely painted. built around (2575–2465 bce)
  • 2184 BCE

    First Intermediate Period in Egypt

    First Intermediate Period in Egypt
    It was called the "dark period" of Egyptian time. Lasted for approximately 125 years, 2181–2055 BCE. This was a time when Egypt’s government had collapsed and was divided between two competing bases, one area south of the Faiyum at Herakleopolis in Lower Egypt and the other at Thebes in Upper Egypt.
  • 2040 BCE

    Twin Dynasty Wars in Egypt (ending of the Old Kingdom)

    Twin Dynasty Wars in Egypt (ending of the Old Kingdom)
    The rise in the power of individual nomarchs was among the contributing factors in the collapse of the Old Kingdom and the beginning of the First Intermediate Period of Egypt (2181-2040 BCE). Showed that Egypt was getting conquered by new power and a new age was starting. took place in Egypt
  • 1800 BCE

    Bronze working introduced to Egypt.

    Bronze working introduced to Egypt.
    Bronze age was introduced approximately during 1800 BCE. They made various weapons. Also mad many statue's with bronze. It showed the Egyptians using a more diverse material. it was important because it advanced their technology , took place in Egypt
  • 1783 BCE

    Avaris is built and set as capital of Hyksos.

    Avaris is built and set as capital of Hyksos.
    The Hyksos were a Semitic people who gained a ahold in Egypt 1782 BCE at the city of Avaris in Lower Egypt. He Initiated the era known in Egyptian history as the Second Intermediate Period. This shows different people coming from outside of Egypt taking control of Egypt. It was important because this was a time where Egypt was getting controlled by different Ethics.
  • 1700 BCE

    Kingdom Kush founded south of egypt

    Kingdom Kush founded south of egypt
    Kush was a kingdom in northern Africa in the region. The larger region around Kush. Referred to as Nubia has been inhabited around 8,000 BCE but the Kingdom of Kush rose much later. This shows new kingdoms forming and influencing other people not originally Egyptian.
  • 1600 BCE

    The Edwin Smith Papyrus, an Egyptian medical text

    The Edwin Smith Papyrus, an Egyptian medical text
    The Edwin Smith Papyrus is an Egyptian medical text. It is a copy of the work by the physician Imhotep. The papyrus contains almost 100 anatomical terms and describes 48 injuries and their treatment. This shows that the Egyptian knew how to treat some wounds and had medicine. It was import net because this essentially helped them heal and treat wounds.
  • 1570 BCE

    The New Kingdom of Egypt.

    The New Kingdom of Egypt.
    The New Kingdom (1570- 1069 BCE) is the era in Egyptian history following the disunity of the second period. It is the most popular era in Egyptian history in the present day with the best known one of the most popular pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty was Hatshepsut. This is important because this is where the Egyptians fought and destroyed Hyksos.
  • 1550 BCE

    Composition of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

    Composition of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
    The book of the dead was a collection of ancient Egyptian texts that offer guidance for the dead on their journey through the afterlife. The texts were written on scrolls and were believed to help the souls navigate the dangers and challenges of the underworld. Leading them to eternal life in the presence of the gods. it was important because this was their belief system, took place in Egypt (1550- 1070 BCE)
  • 1479 BCE

    Queen Hatshepsut rules Egypt

    Queen Hatshepsut rules Egypt
    Queen Hatshepsut was the first female Pharoh. She was the fifth Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. This was Importentr because there were no female Pharoh's nat the time, so it was a change, she was one of the better rulers. (1479–1458 BCE), took place in Egypt
  • 1353 BCE

    Akhenaten’s Religious Revolution

    Akhenaten’s Religious Revolution
    Akhenaten came to power as the pharaoh of Egypt in year 1353 or 1351 BCE and Ruled for 17 years during the 18th dynasty of Egypt’s New Kingdom. Akhenaten changed the religion. He created a religion centered on the Aten. This is important because this was one of the first examples of a Monotheism religion. Took place during the 18th dynasty of Egypt.
  • 1332 BCE

    Tutankhamun’s Reign

    Tutankhamun’s Reign
    Tutankhamun came to the throne at a young age and is best known for his well furnished tomb. He restored the traditional polytheistic religion and the dismantling of Akhenaten's reforms. this is significant because he changed his people's religion. took place in Egypt (1332–1323 BCE)
  • 1274 BCE

    Ramesses II and the Battle of Kadesh

    Ramesses II and the Battle of Kadesh
    Ramesses II, led Egyptian forces against the Hittites at the Battle of Kadesh. It one of the largest chariot battles in history. The battle was indecisive but Ramesses claimed victory and used it to promote his image as a warrior pharaoh. The aftermath of the battle eventually led to one of the first known peace treaties. Establishing a long lasting relationship with the Hittites. This is significant because it was one of the first peace treaties.
  • 1264 BCE

    Construction of Abu Simbel Temples

     Construction of Abu Simbel Temples
    Temples made by Ramesses II during his reign. It shows his victory over the Hitties. It took 20 years to build. Its significant because he wanted to preserve his legacy, and to show his victory. Took place in Egpyt