Snapshot of World History

By jiam11
  • 10,000 BCE

    Neolithic Revolution

    Neolithic Revolution
    By making a concept map for the 'Got Barley?' assignment, I learned much about this time. The Neolithic Revolution was an important turning point in history. It created the shift from hunting and gathering to learning how to sustain life and living things. Growing crops and domesticating animals created permanent societies, a surplus of food and the birth of civilization.
  • 7000 BCE

    Jarmo and Palaeolithic Societies

    Jarmo and Palaeolithic Societies
    Jarmo was an ancient community located in northern Iraq, dating back to 7,000 BCE. Since the 1940's, discoveries of ancient artifacts - such as animal remains, have been made. The Palaeolithic Age spans from approximately 2.5 million years ago to around 10,000 years ago. Science says people survived using hunter-gatherer methods, (foraging for food while distributing tasks to group members). Due to the lack of space for hunter-gatherers to sustain their life styles, numbers remained small.
  • 3100 BCE

    Ancient Egypt

    Ancient Egypt
    The Wanderlust icebreaker taught me about Ancient Egypt as that is the topic that I chose. My research taught me the impact that the Greeks, Persians, and Romans all had on the history of Egypt due to where it country stands geographically. I learned how our society has changed over the centuries and how the Egyptians have influenced our society.
  • 73

    Ancient Rome

    Ancient Rome
    By watching the TedEd video "A glimpse of teenage life in ancient rome", I learned a little bit about Lucius Popidius Secundus and his life as a teenager living in Ancient Rome along with the importance of his brother. The video taught me about warfare, the Forum Augustus, and about the Liberalia annual festival that has many traditions and celebrates the liberty of Romes citizens. The festival was celebrated through sacrifices, music, processions, and a large feast.
  • 208

    Han Dynasty (#2) pt.2

    Han Dynasty (#2) pt.2
    The warlords' intentions were to achieve military victories and consolidate power, but the broader consequences of these victories contributing to the empire's fragmentation may not have been fully anticipated. The broader, more profound consequences, such as the dynasty's collapse and political instability, may not have been fully understood at the time.
  • 208

    Han Dynasty (#2) pt.1

    Han Dynasty (#2) pt.1
    The Battle of Red Cliffs led to the fall of the Han Dynasty in China, resulting in both unintended and anticipated consequences. The dynasty's collapse was likely due to fragmentation of power and power struggles among warlords, leading to political instability
  • 208

    Han Dynasty (#3) pt.1

    Han Dynasty (#3) pt.1
    On the negative side, the immediate outcome of the battle was the fragmentation of China into three separate states—Wei, Shu Han, and Wu, causing political instability and internal conflicts. The population was further affected by the deaths and destruction in the Yangtze River region. On the positive side, the alliance between Liu Bei and Sun Quan eventually resisted Cao Cao's ambitions to centralize power and expand into southern China, preserving regional autonomy.
  • 208

    Han Dynasty (#3) pt.2

    Han Dynasty (#3) pt.2
    The Battle of Red Cliffs was a complex conflict with political, tactical, and cultural dimensions, making it difficult to predict its long-term consequences. However, I think it's reasonable to assume that certain aspects were justified. The strategic brilliance of figures like Zhuge Liang and later mythologizing of the events may have distorted the original historical context. The multifaceted nature of the battle made it difficult for contemporaries to fully understand its implications.
  • 208

    Han Dynasty Citation

    Carter, James. “The Battle of Red Cliffs and the Blurring of Fact and Fiction.” The China Project, 17 Feb. 2023, “Han Dynasty | Definition, Map, Time Period, Achievements, and Facts.” Encyclopedia Britannica, 4 Dec. 2023,
  • 220

    Han Dynasty (#1) pt.2

    Han Dynasty (#1) pt.2
    The Battle of Red Cliffs in 208 CE, where Cao Cao, Sun Quan, and Liu Bei clashed, weakened the dynasty and led to its eventual collapse. The fragmentation of power among warlords, a result of political disunity, highlighted the casual link between political disunity and the downfall of a once-prosperous civilization.
  • 220

    Han Dynasty (#1) pt.1

    Han Dynasty (#1) pt.1
    A clear moment in history where a causal link can be established between specific factors and the decline of a civilization is the fall of the Han Dynasty in China.The Han Dynasty in China's decline was attributed to political instability and infighting among powerful warlords.
  • Code of Hammurabi

    Code of Hammurabi
    The Code of Hammurabi has been the longest and most inclusive code in our history. The author of the article believes that the code has set a standard for the laws created in modern society, and it will continue to be a guide in the future. I agree with the point that "Hammurabi's law code thus set the standard for future codes...", because the code is still used as an influence to many of our laws today.