Mar 3, 1095
The Crusades
started when the christians from western europe responded to war against the muslims. the first group of crusades were formed by different troops in western europe. they were seven crusades. on the seventh crusade they tried to take over jeursalem which was considered the holy land.
http://www.history.com/topics/crusades -
Oct 1, 1347
Black Death
The black death was one of the worst diseases someone could get. It killed over 20 million people which was one third of Europe's population and it was very fatal. it is now know as plague and is heard to be spread by a bacillus which was called the Yersina pestis. The symtoms were fevers, chills, diarrhea, vomiting. Everyone was devastated and doctors and priests refused to see anyone that needed help no matter if you were sick or healthy. http://www.history.com/topics/black-death -
Habraeorum Gens
This was happened because most of all the jews were expelled from basically all of france and Italy. they were so mad that they condemed their redeemer to a shameless death. They were also forced to live in villages and thousands were forced to exile.
https://jewishcurrents.org/february-26-hebraeorum-gens/ -
Egyptians Act of 1530
Peoplebascially staryed coming to england from northern india and began to be called egyptians which is corrupted from the the word or name gypsy. They were viewedas suspicious and hostile. http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pathways/citizenship/citizen_subject/docs/egyptians.htm -
1307 End of the knights Templar
they have been around for many years and there has been many heretical stories and myths about them. They discovered many interesting cool things that we may have never thought of. They had some part or something to do with the myth of Friday of the 13th about it being bad luck.
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/05/160512-friday-13-knights-templar-superstition/ -
The Execution of james pratt and john smith in 1835
This happened when pratt left his wife and two daughters to look for work but ended up getting a drink and getting dfrunk and sleeping with mr. smith and getting arrested for having anal sex with him. Back then to have any type of relationship with the same sex no matter if it was your fault or not you both got arrested and putin jail and have to go to court and see a jury and deal with the consequence.
http://www.petertatchellfoundation.org/pratt-smith-last-uk-men-hanged-for-sodomy/ -
1533 Buggery Act
Its a gay rights movement. Gays' or anyone in a relationship with the same sex were catergerized as homo sexuals and charged as a criminal which is simply immoral. Many parts of europe passed laws and or acts to prevent same sex relations and if you did have a same sex relationship there will be consequence even to be killed which is awful because you should have the freedom to live life however you want to.