Unit 9 TImeline

By 074462
  • White Primary is Abolished in Georgia

    White Primary is Abolished in Georgia
    White Primary is abolished in Georgia- This event was used to keep blacks from voting after the Civil War. Still, in the year 1946 King v. Chapman was held in the U.S. Supreme Court, and decided that white primary was unconstitutional. Later on, blacks have been given he right to vote after the primaries. </a>' >Picture:
  • Integration of Armed Forces

    Integration of Armed Forces
    Integration of the Armed Forces- Harry S. Truman signed the order, because he wanted to desegregate the armed forces. He didn’t want the American forces to become segregated anymore, and he had to make the big announcement through
    the executive area not the legislative!' >Picture:</a>
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    ' >Brown vs. Board of Education- Linda Brown, Brown’s Father, Topeka Board of Education. The court had stated that” separate-but-equal” schools were unconstitutional. After, sixty years the court overturned the Plessy case, but many states took the order very slowly.<' >Picture:</a>
  • The Murder of Emmitt Till

    The Murder of Emmitt Till
    <a href='http://tinyurl.com/fghpq' >Emmitt was a young and <</a>/a>healthy African-American boy who was murdered in Mississppi and was only 14 years old. The reason he was murdered was because he was caught "flirting" with a 21 year old married woman' >Picture:</a>
  • Rosa Park and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Rosa Park and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Rosa Parks was a </a>black women who refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a new way of segregation. However, this plan did not suceed, because 75% of blacks rode the bus. In conclusion, the bus had declined in
    business and had to make the boycott come to an end' >Picture:</a>
  • Change to Georgia's State Flag

    Change to Georgia's State Flag
    Georgia wanted to </a>add a more "Confederate" appeal to the state flag. They had a feeling that the people of Georgia </a>would like the idea of having a Confederate look on the state! Well, they were right the citizens loved it, but later on when they decided to change it had every single flag that Georgia had ever come across from! However, the citizens wanted a Confederate flag
    to be hanging not a "look-a-like"!
    ' >Picture:</a>
  • Crisis at Central High School "Little Rock Nine"

    Crisis at Central High School "Little Rock Nine"
    ' >Little Rock Nine is an African-American group that went to </a>Central High </a>School. When schools were desegregated people still did not like that whole situation, so when Little Rock Nine came people were looking and treating them differently. At first, Little Rock Nine was denied from entering the racially segregated school. Later on, they were finally accepted in, but people around them were not as welcoming or friendly as we ' >would think of it as it would be today.</a>
  • Hebrew Benevolent Congregation in ATL Bombed

    Hebrew Benevolent Congregation in ATL Bombed
    This synagogue was a </a>reformed Jewish temple, but early in the </a>morning this bombing took place! Luckily, no one was injured or had passed away. A United Press International staff member recieved a call in the night saying that the synagogue would be bombed,
    but he didn't take it seriously.
  • Sibley Commission

    Sibley Commission
    '' >This commission was </a>to study the problems of school integration. </a>The leader of this commission was John Sibley , and he went thorugh a lot of work to find about how people felt about this issue. The people gave a shcoking answer, they said they rather close
    schools than integrate them!
  • Albany Movement

    Albany Movement
    In Albany, Georgia they made it illegal<a href='' > for a different race to </a>>sit in a "white-only" seat. So, the different race decided to put that to to test and sit in a "white-only" seat! Eventually, the people were arrested and resulted in the Albany Movement. Led by Dr. William Anderson. The results weren't pretty they were mainly jailed. The results were okay, and was fine and agreeable.Picture:
  • Integration of The University of Georgia

    Integration of The University of Georgia
    '' >Charlayne Hunter and </a>Hamilton Holmes, Georgia Politicians were begging the Governor to close to schools instead of letting these two children into the campus. The governor reply was "no" he wanted to keep the streak of desegregation going.Picture:
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    his event was series of integrated bus rides. This was a new way of segregation. Blacks were struggling for freedom and would do anything to get that. Picture:
  • Birmigham, AL Protests

    Birmigham, AL Protests
    This campaign was the </a>bring attention to the citizens on unequal treatment towards African-Americans. Organizers led my Dr. King, and his strategy was a non-violent movement. Some protesters were harmed greatly, and Dr. King was jailed. The goal was to desegregate
    Alabama.</a> Picture:
  • Assassination of Medgar Evers

    Assassination of Medgar Evers
    ' >Medgar was a African-</a>American civil rights activist. He was targeted because first of all his shirt said "Jim Crow Laws Must Go!", but the main reason was I think because he was another Civil Rights Activist! The result was he died at a local hospital 50 minutes later!</a> Picture:
  • 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham Bombed

    16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham Bombed
    ' >The reason this church </a>was targeted was because it was where many "civil right" activities took place. Four different men were involved in this crime ( Bobby Frank Cherry, Thomas Blanton, Herman Frank Cash, and Robert Chambliss). Only, four little girls had passed
    away during the bombing.</a>
  • John F. Kennedy Assassinated

    John F. Kennedy Assassinated
    ' >Mr. Kennedy was assinated by Lee Harvey Osw</a>ald. John Kennedy was riding in an uncovered comfortable limo, and it was easy for him to be hit by his target He was assassinated in Dallas,Texas.</a>
  • Civil Rights Act Passed

    Civil Rights Act Passed
    ' >It covered different types of discrimination involving women an African-Americans. It salso stopped the racial segregation of schools and work areas. This act was signed by President Lydon B. Johnson.</a>
  • Voting Rights Act Passes

    Voting Rights Act Passes
    This act still involved </a>with African-Americans with voting problems. Intially, the act was to allow African-Americans to vote. This act was signed by President Lydon B. Johnson.</a>
  • SummerHill Race Riot (Atlanta)

    SummerHill Race Riot (Atlanta)
    '' >This riot was 4 days </a>long, and was held by The Student Non-Violent Comittee. They were blamed for a some police incident that resulted in a violence movement. </a>
  • MLK Assassinated

    MLK Assassinated
    Dr. King was </a>assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. One of the main suspects was James Earl Ray, it was beleived that he was not a big fan of Dr. King and beleived that his "doings" were unessecary. The aftermath of his death was a huge commotion, some cities and states held huge riots. In Atlanta I think </a>remebered him to most, and started organizations in
    memory of Dr. King. Picture:
  • All Georgia Schools Integrated

    All Georgia Schools Integrated
    ' >Schools were already integrated but it took a very slow "walk in the park." Peop</a>le had to get used to sharing the same items with colored students and getting along well. Finally, later on everybody started each other a little bit better,</a>