Unit 9 Lesson 2 - 14/09/21

  • Last Lesson

    Last week, we started looking into Unit 9, which is about Project Management. To start off with, we had to write a summary of the introduction and aims for the unit, which included beginning to look into a project in order to start our own project. For the aims, we had to write about what would be needed for the entirety of a project, including all the steps we'd have to undertake in order to succeed at the unit. At the end of the lesson, we started an exercise writing about the unit's topics.
  • This Lesson

    This week, we started the projects themselves by making a table, which included 3 project ideas, which we may or may not choose to use. Alongside these project ideas, we had to write about what we'd do for the same projects, including initiation, planning, execution, monitoring/controlling, and closing. All five of these are important for making a project, otherwise it'd be hard to maintain what was done alongside what the other staff working on the project have to do in order to finish it.