Unit 8 Timeline

  • Period: to

    Chinese Civil War

    A conflict between the Communist Party of China and the Nationalist Party of China Resulted in the establishment of the People's Republic of China and the exile of the Nationalists to Taiwan Marked the beginning of Communist rule in China and the rise of Mao Zedong as a major political figure
  • Marshall Plan

    An American initiative to aid Western Europe in rebuilding after World War II Provided aid to 16 European countries and helped to stimulate economic recovery Strengthened American influence and promoted European integration
  • Arab-Isreali War

    A conflict between Israel and Arab states, including Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, following the creation of the state of Israel Led to the displacement of thousands of Palestinians and the establishment of Israel as a major military power in the region Created a legacy of mistrust and tension between Israel and its Arab neighbors
  • Period: to

    Apartheid In South Africa

    A system of racial segregation and discrimination in South Africa, enforced by the National Party Resulted in significant social and economic inequality and the oppression of black South Africans Led to a global campaign of divestment and boycotts, which contributed to the eventual end of apartheid in the 1990s
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    A conflict between North Korea, supported by China and the Soviet Union, and South Korea, supported by the United States and its allies Resulted in a stalemate and the division of the Korean peninsula along the 38th parallel Demonstrated the potential for global conflict and the challenges of containing communist expansion in Asia
  • Period: to

    Alegerian War of Independence

    A conflict between Algeria and France over Algerian independence Resulted in the establishment of the independent state of Algeria and the end of French colonial rule in the region Marked a significant moment in the rise of anti-colonial movements in Africa
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    A conflict between North Vietnam, supported by the Soviet Union and China, and South Vietnam, supported by the United States and its allies Resulted in the unification of Vietnam under Communist rule and the withdrawal of US forces from the region Demonstrated the limits of US military power and the challenges of containing communism in Asia
  • Hungarian Revolution

    A popular uprising against Soviet-backed communist rule in Hungary The rebellion was eventually crushed by Soviet forces, leading to a period of repression and political instability in Hungary Demonstrated the limitations of Soviet power and the desire for freedom and democracy in Eastern Europe
  • Suez Crisis

    A military conflict between Egypt and a coalition of British, French, and Israeli forces over control of the Suez Canal Marked the end of British and French dominance in the Middle East and the rise of US and Soviet influence Demonstrated the limitations of colonial powers in the region and the growing importance of nationalism and anti-imperialism
  • Period: to

    Congo Crisis

    A period of political and social upheaval in the Democratic Republic of Congo, following its independence from Belgium Resulted in the establishment of the authoritarian regime of Joseph Mobutu and a period of political instability in the region Demonstrated the challenges of post-colonial state-building in Africa
  • Period: to

    Cultural Revolution

    A period of political and social upheaval in China, led by Mao Zedong Aimed to purge capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society and promote socialist ideals Resulted in significant social and economic disruption and the suppression of dissent
  • Prague Spring

    A period of political liberalization and reform in Czechoslovakia under communist rule The reforms were eventually suppressed by Soviet-led forces, resulting in a period of political repression and isolation Demonstrated the limits of Soviet tolerance for dissent and the desire for greater political freedoms in Eastern Europe
  • Period: to

    Ethopian Revolution

    A period of political and social upheaval in Ethiopia, leading to the overthrow of Emperor Haile Selassie and the establishment of a Marxist-Leninist government Resulted in significant social and economic reform, including land redistribution and education programs Contributed to the destabilization of the region and the rise of armed conflicts in Ethiopia and neighboring countries
  • Iranian Revolution

    A popular uprising against the Pahlavi monarchy in Iran and the establishment of an Islamic republic Led to the rise of Ayatollah Khomeini and a period of political and social upheaval in Iran Marked a shift towards Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East and increased tension between Iran and the West
  • Period: to

    Iran-Iraq War

    A conflict between Iran and Iraq, fueled by territorial disputes and ideological differences Resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and significant economic and social costs for both countries Contributed to the destabilization of the Middle East and the rise of Saddam Hussein as a major regional power
  • Fall of the berlin wall

    The fall of the wall separating East and West Germany, marking the end of the Cold War and the beginning of reunification Symbolized the end of Soviet dominance in Eastern Europe and the rise of democracy and capitalism Led to significant economic growth and development in Eastern Europe
  • Velvett Revolution

    A non-violent political revolution in Czechoslovakia that ended communist rule Led to the establishment of a democratic government and marked the end of Soviet influence in the country Demonstrated the power of peaceful resistance and the desire for democratic reform in Eastern Europe.
  • Tianemen Square Protests

    A pro-democracy movement in China, centered on Tiananmen Square in Beijing Resulted in a violent crackdown by Chinese authorities, resulting in hundreds of deaths and thousands of arrests Demonstrated the limits of political reform in China and the continued importance of authoritarian rule.
  • Period: to

    Gulf War

    A conflict between Iraq and a coalition of forces led by the United States, following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait Resulted in the expulsion of Iraqi forces from Kuwait and the establishment of a no-fly zone in Iraq Demonstrated the growing importance of the Middle East in global politics and the role of the US as a dominant military power in the region
  • Rwandan Genocide

    A mass killing of ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda, carried out by extremist Hutu militias Resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and significant social and political disruption in the region Demonstrated the dangers of ethnic conflict and the challenges of post-conflict reconciliation in Africa.