Pike's Peak
Gold is discovered on Pike's Peak in present day Colorado. This discovery starts a gold rush and the slogan "Pike's Peak or Bust!" -
Comstock Lode
The Comstock Lode is discovered in Nevada. The Comstock Lode contained a huge amount of silver anf gold. -
Morrill Act
The Morrill Act provided for public land for colleges. -
Rail Roads
The transcontinental is authorized by Congress to conect the east and west. -
Election of 1868
Grant defeats Seymour for the presidency in the election of 1868 -
Gold Market
Fisk and Gould corner the gold market. -
Women's Rights
The territory of Wyoming grants women the right to vote. This is a huge step forward for women's rights. -
Standard Oil
John D. Rockafeller creates the Standard Oil company. -
Boss Tweed
Boss Tweed is involved in a scadal in New York. -
Credit Mobilier
Crédit Mobilier scandal exposed
Liberal Republicans break with Grant.
Grant defeats Greeley for the presidency. -
Panic of 1873
The United States in thrown in to a panic. -
The Woman's Christian Temperance Union is formed to help fight drunkeness in America. -
Battle of Little Bighorn
General Armstrong Custard led his men into a trap set by the Sioux. Custard and his men were all killed. Custard's Last Stand. -
Compromise of 1877
The Compromise of 1877 ends Reconstruction in the South. Rail road strikes completely stop the nations economy. -
Election of 1880
Garfield defeats Hancock for the presidency. -
Assassination of Garfield.
Garfield is assassinated by Charles Guiteau in the back. Chester A. Arthur becomes president. -
Booker T. Washington become the head of the Tuskegee Institute. this is one of the best black colleges in the U.S. -
Some of the first laws to limit immigration are passed. -
Civil Rights
Pendleton Act sets up Civil Service Comission. -
The Census Bureau declares the frontier line ended. The Battle of Wounded Knee is fought between the Army and the Indians. -
Trust Busters
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act is passed to try and stop the monopolies. -
Homestead steel workers strike. Idaho silver miners' strike. -
Wilson-Gorman Tariff contains income tax provisions that were declared uncontitutional in 1895. -
J.P. Morgan
J.P. Morgan's banking gsyndicate loans the government 65 million dollars worth of gold. -
Plessy v. Ferguson
This court case makes the practice of seperate but equal okay. -
Election of 1896
Mckinley defeats Bryan to become president. -
Gold Standard
The Gold Standard Act sets the standard that all U.S. currency is backed by gold in the federal reserve. -
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is founded to help fight for civil right of blacks in America.