Unit 7 Timeline

  • Whitney's cotton gin transforms southnern economy.

  • Gabriel slave rebellion in Virginia.

  • Congress outlaws slave trade.

  • American Colonization formed.

  • Missouri Compromise

  • Vesey slave rebellion in Charleston, South Carolina.

  • Republic of Liberia established in Africa.

  • Walker publishes Appeal to the the Colored Citizens of the World.

  • Nat Turner slave rebellion in Virginia; Garrison begins publishing The Liberator.

  • Virginia legislature debates slavery and emancipation.

  • British abolish slavery in West Indies; American Anti-Slavery society founded.

  • Abolitionist students expelled from Lane Theological Seminary.

  • U.S. Postal Office orders destruction of abolitionist mail; "Broadcloth Mob" attacks Garrison.

  • House of Representatives passed "Gag Resolution."

  • Mob kills abolitionist Lovejoy in Alton, Illinois.

  • Canadian rebellion and Caroline insident.

  • Weld publishes "American Slavery as it is."

  • Anti-slavery Liberty party organized.

  • Harrison dies after four weeks in office; Tyler assumes presidency.

  • Aroostook War over Maine boundary; Webster-Ashborn treaty.

  • Polk defeats Caly in "Manifest Destiny" Election.

  • Caleb Cushing signs Treaty of Washington with China.

  • Douglass publishes "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass."

  • United States annexes Texas.

  • Walker Tariff; Independent Treasury restored; and U.S. settles Oregon dispute with Britain.

  • U.S. and Mexico clash over Texas boundary; Kearny takes Santa Fe; Fremont conquers California; and Wilmot Proviso passes House of Representatives.

  • Mexican War (1846-1848).

  • Battle of Buena Vista; Scott takes Mexico City.

  • Free Soil Party organized.

  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Treaty between Mexico and U.S.).

  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends Mexican War; Taylor defeast Cass and Van Buren for Presidency.

  • California Gold Rush

  • Fillmore assumes presidency after Taylor's death; Compromise of 1850, including Fugtive Slave Law; and Clayton-Bulwer Treaty with Britain.

  • Pierce defeats Scott for Presidency.

  • Gadsden Purchase from Mexico.

  • Commodore Perry opens Japan for American Trade; Ostend Manifesto proposes seizure of Cuba; Kansa-Nebraska Act; and Republican Party organized.

  • William Walker becomes president of Nicaragua and legalizes slavery.