Unit 7 Part 3 (1890-1945)

  • Prohibition- 18th Amendment

    Prohibition- 18th Amendment
    This amendment banned alcohol nationwide.
  • 1920's African American Identity- Harlem Renaissance

    1920's African American Identity- Harlem Renaissance
    The Harlem Renaissance saw the growth of African American arts taking shape, defining their culture in America.
  • 1920's Literature- Dorothy Parker

    1920's Literature- Dorothy Parker
    Female American poet and civil rights activist, delved in communism.
  • 1920's Culture- Jazz

    1920's Culture- Jazz
    In the 1920's, jazz music became popular and experimental. Music theory advanced and changed from this.
  • 1920's Culture- Cars

    1920's Culture- Cars
    Cars began to improve greatly. Their designs were more efficient and more affordable for the average family. Cars grew in popularity, changing transportation.
  • 1920's Culture- The Radio

    1920's Culture- The Radio
    Radios began to grow in popularity and efficiency, advancing communication technology for the better.
  • 1920's Culture- Dance

    1920's Culture- Dance
    New dances came about that followed the fast/energetic feel of the new jazz styles.
  • 1920's Politics- KKK

    1920's Politics- KKK
    The KKK is a violent hate group that held political power in some states, creating many racist ideas.
  • 1920's Politics- Socco-Vanzetti Trial

    1920's Politics- Socco-Vanzetti Trial
    Two Italian immigrants were convicted of murder, but with no solid evidence. They were found guilty primarily based on the fact that they were anarchists.
  • 1920's Politics- The Red Scare

    1920's Politics- The Red Scare
    Communism began to take shape as the enemy of America's democracy, and many were persecuted for being communist, many more falsely persecuted.
  • 1920's Economy- Advertising

    1920's Economy- Advertising
    Advertising became more popular and more advanced for companies to use as a means to convince people to purchase their products.
  • 1920's Economy- Ponzi Scheme

    1920's Economy- Ponzi Scheme
    The Ponzi Scheme was when Charles Ponzi tricked people into thinking that their money could be trusted in his investments, when he really just took their money for himself.
  • 1920's Politics- Reign of Republicans

    1920's Politics- Reign of Republicans
    From 1920-1932, American Presidents were republican, meaning 3 terms in a row were republican ideals.
  • 1920's African American Identity- Langston Hughes

    1920's African American Identity- Langston Hughes
    African American playwrite who helped bring African American culture to the theatre.
  • Immigration- Immigration Act of 1921

    Immigration- Immigration Act of 1921
    Limited the number of immigrants allowed into the US from eastern areas.
  • 1920's Literature- Babbitt

    1920's Literature- Babbitt
    Addressed American materialism of the 20's.
  • 1920's African American Identity- Louis Armstrong

    1920's African American Identity- Louis Armstrong
    Louis Armstrong was a famous African American jazz trumpeter who helped bring popularity to jazz.
  • 1920's Economy- The Boom Before the Crash

    1920's Economy- The Boom Before the Crash
    The Roarin' Twenties came with a large economic boom from low income taxes and new innovations, although it eventually led to the stock market crash of '29.
  • 1920's Economy- The Teapot Scandal

    1920's Economy- The Teapot Scandal
    The US Navy had an oil reserve, and the Navyman in charge decided to make secret deals with commercial oilmen to make a quick buck.
  • 1920's African American Identity- Duke Ellington

    1920's African American Identity- Duke Ellington
    Duke Ellington was a famous African American jazz pianist who helped to make jazz popular and expand jazz theory through his compositions.
  • Immigration- Immigration Act of 1924

    Immigration- Immigration Act of 1924
    A more thorough version of the act of 1921.
  • 1920's African American Identity- A. Philip Randolph

    1920's African American Identity- A. Philip Randolph
    Civil rights activist who pushed for better labor for African Americans, formed the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters; the first African American labor union.
  • 1920's Literature- The Great Gatsby

    1920's Literature- The Great Gatsby
    A classic novel that focused more on wealthy America.
  • Religion: The Scopes Trial

    Religion: The Scopes Trial
    William Jennings Bryan against John Scopes, saying that teaching evolution in schools went against Christianity.
  • Religion- End of the Scopes Trial

    Religion- End of the Scopes Trial
    Scopes is found guilty and is charged $100, but the verdict is overturned soon after.
  • 1920's Politics- Mexican Oil Reserves

    1920's Politics- Mexican Oil Reserves
    US oil companies wanted US intervention/control in Mexican oil reserves, creating tensions.
  • 1920's Literature- Edith Wharton

    1920's Literature- Edith Wharton
    Female novelist who won the Pulitzer Prize and was nominated for the Nobel Prize. Helped give women more credit in literature.
  • 1920's Culture- ¨Talkies¨

    1920's Culture- ¨Talkies¨
    The film industry began to move away from silent films and moved towards films with sound, changing Hollywood forever. ¨The Jazz Singer¨ was the first feature talkie.
  • Hoover's Policies- Hoover is Elected

    Hoover's Policies- Hoover is Elected
    Herbert Hoover pushed for limited federal power in the economic crisis.
  • 1920's Literature- Ernest Hemingway

    1920's Literature- Ernest Hemingway
    A well-respected author who had a great cultural understanding of his time. Helped to make writing a well repsected artform.
  • Hoover's Policies- The White House Conference on Health and the Protection of Children

     Hoover's Policies- The White House Conference on Health and the Protection of Children
    Hoover pushed for child welfare.
  • Stock Market Crash- Black Tuesday

    Stock Market Crash- Black Tuesday
    The NYSE crashes, beginning the Great Depression.
  • 1920's Economy- The Great Depression

    1920's Economy- The Great Depression
    The stock market crash marked the beginning of the Great Depression, a worldwide economic crisis that lasted years.
  • The Dust Bowl- Drought

    The Dust Bowl- Drought
    In the 30's, a severe drought caused Great Plains agriculture to have little profit in the US already in a depression.
  • Dust Bowl- Dust Storms

    Dust Bowl- Dust Storms
    Severe drought, little vegetation, and dry/light soil led to severe dust storms in the Great Plains region.
  • New Deal Policies- The New Deal

    New Deal Policies- The New Deal
    FDR implemented his New Deal program to help fix America's economy.
  • New Deal Policies- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

    New Deal Policies- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    The FDIC insured people's bank deposits up to a certain amount to help prevent more bank crises.
  • New Deal Policies- National Recovery Administration

    New Deal Policies- National Recovery Administration
    This organization helped to eliminate dirty business and harsh competition by setting fair labor practice regulations.
  • New Deal Programs- Civilian Conservation Corps

    New Deal Programs- Civilian Conservation Corps
    A New Deal policy that created jobs for millions of Americans.
  • New Deal Policies- Tennessee Valley Authority

    New Deal Policies- Tennessee Valley Authority
    The TVA was created to aid the Tennessee Valley area specifically in the Great Depression, as it was hit very hard at the time. It povided flood protection, navigation assistance, economic development, and more in the area.
  • Prohibition- 21st Amendment Ratified

    Prohibition- 21st Amendment Ratified
    This amendment removed the prohibition of alcohol.
  • New Deal Policies- The 21st Amendment

    New Deal Policies- The 21st Amendment
    FDR repealed prohibition to start the economic flow from alcohol and to relieve tensions of those who opposed prohibition.
  • New Deal Policies- Federal Housing Administration

    New Deal Policies- Federal Housing Administration
    The FHA insured banks if their housing investments went sour and set guidelines for construction of houses.
  • New Deal Policies- National Housing Act of 1934

    New Deal Policies-  National Housing Act of 1934
    This act created the FHA and its purpose was to insure banks in their real estate investments to promote growth in the real estate economy. It also sought to help make housing more affordable.
  • New Deal Policies- Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act

    New Deal Policies- Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act
    This act allowed FDR to adjust tariff rates without congressional approval to speed up the recovery of the economy.
  • New Deal Policies- Hot Oil Act of 1935

    New Deal Policies-  Hot Oil Act of 1935
    This act ensured that illegal exporting/trade of oil would not happen, in response primarily to the teapot dome.
  • New Deal Policies- Resettlement Administration

    New Deal Policies- Resettlement Administration
    Helped to relocate families who were struggling to new communities with better opportunities.
  • New Deal Policies- Federal Crop Insurance Corporation

    New Deal Policies- Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
    The FCIC insured farmer's crops to aid in the lasting effects of the dust bowl and the depression.
  • New Deal Policies- Food Stamp Plan

    New Deal Policies-  Food Stamp Plan
    Food stamps were given to urban poverty to help with starvation.
  • Stock Market Crash- End of the Great Depression

    Stock Market Crash- End of the Great Depression
    WWII aided greatly in ending the Great Depression.