Unit 7 Keyterms

  • House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

    House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
    A group that investigated people that workend in the government. They were looking for people who may be disloyal to the United States. Most importantly they were looking for communist.
  • Rock n’ Roll

    Rock n’ Roll
    Was a new type music that was really a mix of eveything. Some people thaoght it was ungodly but it was perfect for rebwllious teenagers. Parents often forbid their kids to listening to it.
  • G.I. Bill (Servicemen’s Readjustment Act 1944)

    G.I. Bill (Servicemen’s Readjustment Act 1944)
    This was created for when soliders came home they would have benifits. It gave them something to look foward to when coming home to. Some of the main benifits that came from th G.I. Bill were college and money.
  • Iron Curtain

     Iron Curtain
    The Iron Curtain was separating Europe in half. One side was soviet supported and the other was not. it was like this from 1945 til 1991.
  • Baby Boom generation

    Baby Boom generation
    This huge generation came shortly after WW2. When the soldiers cam home they got super busy. 74.6 million babies were born between 1946 – 1964.
  • Containment Policy

     Containment Policy
    The Containment Policy was created to prevent Communism from spreading. We were scared that everyone would become communist and we did't want them to be friends with Russia. It was created by George Kennan a Foreign service officer.
  • Rust Belt vs Sun Belt

    Rust Belt vs Sun Belt
    The rust belt was in the north east where the economy and population decayed. The Sun belt was where everything has happening. All the growth was happening so thats where eveyone went.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The cold war wasn't really war it is known as the forgotten war. It was the United States and Russia poking each other. No actual fighting took place.
  • Levittown

    Was surburbs built after WW2 for returning soldiers. these suburbs were popping up so fast they couldn't be counted.This gave them independence and they were proud because they could move out of their parents house.
  • Truman Doctrine

     Truman Doctrine
    It was a document that said we would help that might be treated by the soviets. No armed fources were invoulved. It also made us looked good and we thought that if we helped non-comunist countries that communism wouldn't spread.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall plan was us giving money to countries that were devistated by the war. Over 12 billion dollars were used to help rebuild places. This was also another tatic to try to contain communism.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Germeny was split into half by the soviets which cut us of from the capital. So kind of as middle finger to them we used planes to drop supplies to Berlin. It was really just to makes us look like the good guys.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

     North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
    A organization that tries to keep peace. Its kind of like the parent keeping thier children in check. They have the power to veto the use of nuclear weapons.
  • Beatniks

    Where people from the beat generation. They published new things that wern't seen before. Things would typically be rejected.
  • Domino Theory

     Domino Theory
    It was the thought that if one country will become communist that they all would. This is why we were trying to be friends with everyone who was not communist so we could keep close tabs and prevent them form becoming commmunist. It took us way to long and countless lives to realize that just because we don't like it doesn't mean the world is cares.
  • 1950’s Prosperity

    1950’s Prosperity
    The economy grew 37% after WW2 . This happend because President Eisenhower tried to keep the things balenced with a federal budget. With all this new money we were having fun, buying things and we were being very inovative.
  • McCarthyism

    Saying that was a communist with out really knowing.
    Basically just a he said she said thing. It was used as a scaretactic.
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

     Dwight D. Eisenhower
    34th President of the United States. During his presidency NASA was created. He also helped the economy grow with his federal budget.
  • Rosenberg Trial

     Rosenberg Trial
    Julius and his wife were both executed . They were convicted with the conspiracy to commit espionage. They were thought to be giving the soviets atomic bomb information.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    A war that started because North Korea Invaded South Korea. The United States helped South Korea and Russia and China Helped North Korea. Though North and South Korea are fighting it is really The United States and Russia fighting.
  • Ray Kroc

     Ray Kroc
    He joined the McDonald brother's in the creation of McDonald's. This became the worlds most successful food chain in the world. With the economy on the rise it was a wise buiseness choice.
  • Jonas Salk

    Jonas Salk
    He was a medical research who came up with the first successful polio cure. At that time poli was effecting so many people mostly children. He also founded a foundation which is known as the March of dimes which helped the development of the vaccine.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    A war that was fought between N.K and S.K. The soviets supported the north and we supported the south. So the war was really just the U.S and Russia fighting just not directly.
  • Interstate Highway Act

     Interstate Highway Act
    President Eisenhower made tis law so create 41,000 miles of highway. The new highways were constucted over 10 years it's initial purpose was for us to use to and defend during an attack. A trust fund paid for most of the construction and the states had to come up with the rest.
  • Space Race

     Space Race
    The space race all started with the Sputnik. The Soviets launched the Sputnik into space and we lowkey wanted to one up them. After a while we started working up stuff like NASA.
  • Sputnik

    It was the fist thing shot up into outer space by the Soviets. Which started the space race. This made us paranoid because at first we didn't really know what it was.
  • Anti-War Movement

     Anti-War Movement
    This was a Social movement against war. This was often looked down upon like if you didn't support then you weren't american. Sometimes the government would get involved to try to stop it.
  • John F. Kennedy

     John F. Kennedy
    JFK was the 35th president of the United States. He was assassinated in1963. JFK was the president during the Cuba Missile Crisis.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    This was a military operation that was unsuccessful. We thought that we could over through cuba but we were wrong. This made us look bad and pissed off the soviets.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    We were being sneaky and flew over Cuba and saw some stuff so we began to check up on them a little more. We soon found out that the soviets had missiles there. We couldn't just tell them that we saw their missiles because we were spying. Well we officially spilled the beans but we put missiles in Turkey. It was like a you move your missiles and i'll move mine situation. During this time a WW3 almost happend a number of times.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson

    Lyndon B. Johnson
    The 36th president of the United states. He came up with the Great Society which helped eliminate poverty. He also started funding for large groups like medical care.
  • Betty Friedan

     Betty Friedan
    she was a writer and feminist. In her book she about getting women working the same as men.
  • Great Society

    Great Society
    Programs that President Johnson created to eliminate poverty. The Great Socirty was kind of like the New Deal. Large spending groups were created during this time like medical care and transportation.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    It basiclly gave the president the ok to declair a war because "one of our ships were under attack". which would have been declaired under false pretenses. There was no attack it was made up because the president was war happy.
  • Tet Offensive 1968

    Tet Offensive 1968
    On the Vietnamese New Year North Vietnam attacked the South. At this time there was a cease fire and you would think because of New Years they woouldn't do anything. Not much land was gained but many lives were taken and there was a lot of distruction.
  • Vietnamization

    This was Nixon's kind of like fall back plan. We would be sending less troops away and with the troops there we would just train the south vitanam fources. Until we got caught so we fled and left them there.
  • Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon
    He was the 37th president and and the after Eisenhower. He was the only President to resign from office. He tried the United States as Non-communist as the next president nothing new.
  • Moon Landing

     Moon Landing
    The moon landing was apart of the space race that the soviets started. This was the first time humans had been on the moon ever. this mission(apollo 11) came 10 years after the soviets launched the Luna 2.
  • 26th Amendment

     26th Amendment
    This new amendment changed the voting age from 21 to 18. which made perfect sense because how could we expect men to fight for the country and then come back and not be able to vote.
  • War Powers Act

    War Powers Act
    A law that was created to put the president in place. So even though the president is commander in cheif he has to give Congress a heads up. He hasto let them know at least 48 hours ahead.
  • Anti-War Movement