Israeli-palestine conflict 2
Britain took control of Palestine in World War I after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, which had ruled that part of the Middle East. Jews had historical links to the land, but Palestinian Arabs also had a claim dating back centuries and opposed the move. The British said the rights of Palestinian Arabs already living there had to be protected. -
`Israeli-Palestine conflict 3
The day after Israel declared independence, it was attacked and surrounded by the armies of five Arab nations. The conflict came to be known in Israel as its war of independence. By the time the fighting ended with an armistice in 1949, Israel controlled most of the territory. -
Israeli-Palestine conflict 4
What is known as the Six-Day War changed boundaries in the Middle East and had major consequences for Palestinians. The war saw Israel fight Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. It started when Israel launched a strike on Egypt's air force. By the time the fighting ended, Israel had captured the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza from Egypt, and East Jerusalem and the West Bank from Jordan. About a million Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem came under Israel's control. -
Modern Iraq 2
Since 2003, USIP has operated uninterrupted in Iraq, providing problem-solving platforms and technical assistance to civic groups and subnational and national government institutions involved in conflict prevention and peacebuilding efforts. supporting ethnic and religious minorities as they recover from ISIS’s genocide; supporting governance and adaptation, especially related to water insecurity; and informing policy through research, analysis, and convening. -
Israeli–Palestinian conflict
Hamas launched its deadly attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, prompting the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to engage in aerial campaigns and ground operations within the Gaza Strip. -
Modern Afghanistan
Rugged, remote, riven by tribal rivalries and religious violence, Afghanistan seems to many a country frozen in time and forsaken by the world. Afghan Modern presents a bold challenge to these misperceptions, revealing how Afghans, throughout their history, have engaged and connected with a wider world and come to share in our modern globalized age. -
Modern Afghanistan 2
Always a mobile people, Afghan travelers, traders, pilgrims, scholars, and artists have ventured abroad for centuries, changing the world. Robert Crews traces the roots of Afghan globalism to the early modern period, and other urban centers forged linkages with far-flung imperial centers throughout the Middle East and Asia. refuting the usual portrayal of Afghans as pawns in the “Great Game” of European powers and of Afghanistan as a “hermit kingdom.” -
Modern Iraq
Iraq continues to recover from cycles of conflict that have displaced millions of people and caused widespread destruction. As the country rebuilds domestically and reintegrates into the region and the international community, it also needs to improve governance, diversify its economy and address water insecurity, among other challenges. Iraq also continues to grapple with the lasting human legacies of ISIS, and internally displaced persons. -
Modern Iran
This paper provides an overview of Iran’s modern history from a social, cultural, and political perspective while also considering factors related to gender and race. It thereby delineates how political trends in the Middle East have influenced the country and how its history of revolution has, in turn, impacted the region. It discusses Western perceptions of the Iranian and Middle Eastern “Other,” the Iranian Diaspora, political Islam, and post-Islamism are also discussed. -
Modern Iran 2
Can one properly speak of modernity about what many consider to be the paradigmatic Islamic state? Since its 1979 revolution seized the world's attention, the Islamic Republic of Iran has remained a subject of misunderstanding, passion, and polemic, making it even to ask. This book—a study of Iran's political culture in the broadest and deepest sense—looks into both of these questions by examining the tremendous changes taking place in Iran today.