Ubit 6

APUSH: Unit 6: Economic trends: recession, taxes, gov’t intervention in the economy

By Ashhera
  • Trust

    Trust were opportunities for big business to have a large amount of power in America around the 1800s. This was mainly used in system called monopolies. It was an old type of contract.
  • Boss Tweed

    Boss Tweed
    Boss Tweed was well known as being the boss of the Tammany Hall. He was the third-largest landowner in New York City. In 1867, he was elected New York Senate. Later on he was convicted for stealing a large amount of money by an aldermen’s committe.
  • Gilded Age

    Gilded Age
    The Gilded Age came from a book written by Mark Twain. It was about a social masked by a thin gold gilding. It started out with the Victorian era and then the American civil war. Then, later on in the 1890s it followed with the Progressive Era.
  • Battle of Bighorn

    Battle of Bighorn
    The Battle of Bighorn started in 1876 between the United States, Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho. It was neat Little Bighorn river and lasted one day. This battle happen because they were outraged with the Americans taking their land and treating them wrong. The United States were defeated.
  • Chinese exclusion

    Chinese exclusion
    The Chinese Exclusion was signed by congress in 1882. This Act did not allow any Chinese immigrants to enter The United States. This happened because they felt as if the Chinese were not making good wages and economics ills.
  • Panic of 1893

    Panic of 1893
    In 1893, The United States were in serious economic depression. This was caused because of the collapse of railroads overbuilding and not making money which impacted a series of banks.
  • Cross of Gold Speech

    Cross of Gold Speech
    At Chicago in 1896, a man name William Jennings Bryan delivered a speech stating that he supported bimetalism. That he would bring the nation prosperity.