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On page 8 it talks about certain risks that people take including smoking, drinking, and doing drugs. All these things have a negative impact on your health. By doing these things you can get ill or possibly die. Smoking makes the lifetime expectancy shorter because it ruins your lungs. Even by drinking you can die or kill someone else if you decide to drive drunk or maybe even cross the street. These risks are not considered good risks. Doing these thing usually involves peer pressure. -
Cited reference
Another example talked about on page 8 is criminal activity. This is very bad especially if you get caught. You and your friends may think it would be fun to break into a house as a joke but people actually die and get charged because of this. This is a risk that mainly involves peer pressure because we all grow up thinking that criminal activity is bad and it is. Do not get sucked into doing criminal activity because every one else is doing it. In the long run, it will be a good choice. -
How to avoid these potential consequences
Easy ways to avoid the consequences that may come with trying these things is to not do it at all. Do not fall into peer pressure. Do not do drugs because it is a serious offense as well as criminal activity. Really just monitor yourself and know your limits. Do not do anything stupid or something you will regret or could get you in serious Trouble. -
Marilyn Monroe died of a drug overdose. She was not careful with what she put into her body and she overdosed and killed herself. Her reckless actions ended her life and impacted a lot of people. This is an example of what doing drugs can look like.