Unit 6 1914-Present

  • Period: to

    Mexican Revolution

  • African National Congress party formed in South Africa

  • Fall of Qing dynasty in China; beginning of Chinese Revolution

    Fall of Qing dynasty in China; beginning of Chinese Revolution
    After over 250 years, the Qing dynasty finally falls (1644-1912)
  • Period: to

    World War I

    trench warfare,
  • Arab revolts against Ottomans

  • United States enters WWI

    United States enters WWI
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    promises Jews a homeland in Palestine
  • Versailles peace settlement, League of Nations

  • Revolt in Egypt, first Pan-African Nationalist Congress, non-violent protest in India

  • Treaty of Sevres reorganizes in Middle East

  • Foundation of Chinese Communist party

    Foundation of Chinese Communist party
  • Period: to

    Stalin takes power in Soviet Union

    Stalin initiates five-year plans and collectivization
  • Period: to

    Height of Great Depression

  • Period: to

    Vargas regime in Brazil

  • Japan invades Manchuria

  • Period: to

    Gandhi-led resistance in India

  • Nazis rise to power in Germany

    Nazis rise to power in Germany
  • Period: to

    New Deal in United States

  • Period: to

    Cardenas reform period in Mexico

  • German rearmament; Italy captures Ethiopia

  • Army officers in power in Japan; invasion of China

  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • United States enters WWII

    United States enters WWII
  • Period: to


  • Formation of United Nations

    Formation of United Nations
  • Atomic bombs dropped on Japan

    Atomic bombs dropped on Japan
  • Communists proclaim Vietnam independence

    Communists proclaim Vietnam independence
  • Period: to

    Soviet takeover of eastern Europe

  • Philippine independence from the U.S.

    Philippine independence from the U.S.
  • Peronism in Argentina

  • India and Pakistan gain independence

  • Period: to

    Marshall Plan for Western Europe

  • Division of Korea

    Division of Korea
  • Israel-Palestine partition; first Arab-Israeli war

    Israel-Palestine partition; first Arab-Israeli war
  • Formation of NATO

  • Communist victory in China

    Communist victory in China
  • Period: to

    Korean War

  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
  • Bandung conference; nonaligned movement

  • Partial end of Stalinism

    Partial end of Stalinism
  • Europeaan Economic Community (Common Market)

    Europeaan Economic Community (Common Market)
  • Ghana becomes first independent Afrian Nation

    Ghana becomes first independent Afrian Nation
  • Cuban Revolution

    Cuban Revolution
  • Period: to

    Civil Rights movement in United States; revival of feminism

  • Algeria declares independence, Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Period: to

    U.S. military intervention in Vietnam

  • Period: to

    Cultural revolution in China

  • Second Arab-Israeli War

    Second Arab-Israeli War
    Israeli occupation of West Bank, Gaza, the Sinai and Golan Heights
  • Period: to

    Student protests iin West

  • Period: to

    Oil Crises; height of OPEC ppower

  • Third Arab-Israeli War

    Third Arab-Israeli War
  • Communist victory in Vietnam

  • Period: to

    Democratic regimes spread in Latin America

  • Death of Mao; new reform pattern in China

    Death of Mao; new reform pattern in China
  • Iranian revolution

  • Period: to

    Iran-Iraw War

  • Mikhail Gorbachev heads Soviet Union;

    Mikhail Gorbachev heads Soviet Union;
    reforms and unrest through eastern Europe
  • Reform movement in South Africa

  • New regimes throughout eastern Europe

  • Reunification of Germany

  • Period: to

    Iraq invades Kuwait; Persian Gulf crisis; U.S.-Allied defeat of Iraw

  • Collapse of the Soviet Union

    Collapse of the Soviet Union
  • Full economic integration of Common Market

    Full economic integration of Common Market
  • Oslo Accords between Palestinians and Israelis

    Oslo Accords between Palestinians and Israelis
  • Full democracy in South Africa, Nelson Mandela President

  • U.S.-British war invasion of Iraq

    U.S.-British war invasion of Iraq