Pres leonid brezhnev treaty soviet jimmy carter june 18 1979

International Politics during Cold War

By rom.di
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    During these decade the world change drastically adn started to form nowadays system, alliances and market. It started with the surrender and division of Germany, the creation of UN, the Atlantic North Treaty, and started the division of the world according which ideology each state was influence US or USSR.
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    The central topic of the timeline is the international politics, these mean that states around the world are ruled by agreements and decisions to mantain order, politic or economic relations, these in order to get benefits and obligations by many partners-states. The historical importance of the timeline is to shown the international politics in the last century, during the Cold War, there were many agreements in armament, rights, economiy, and social subjects.
  • Tripartite Pact

    Tripartite Pact
    Agreement conclude by Japan, Germany and Italy, created as a defence alliance and with the objective of deterring the entry of US in Europe or between the war Japan and China.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    Although it was not a treaty, was a conference between the US, USSR and GB the objective was to concrete the postwar in Europe, the creation of UN, and division of Germany.
  • German Instrument of Surrender

    German Instrument of Surrender
    Was a legal document in effecting inconditional surrender between Gemany and the Allies, ended the WWII in Europe.
  • Japanese instrument of surrender

    Japanese instrument of surrender
    Agreement formalized the surrender of the Empire of Japan and the Allies, ending the war in Japan.
  • Charter of the United Nations

    Charter of the United Nations
    It is the founding treaty of the United Nations, which promotes relations, equality and the prohibition of violence among member states.
  • Molotov Plan

    Soviet program created in order to provide to Eastern Europe countries economic support and expansion the communist ideology.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    It was a aid program created by George Marshall, in which US provide politics, trading partners, development of democratic governments and products to Western European countries
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    President Truman declared, "It must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures."
    These refers to containinig the Soviet geopolitical expansionism
  • North Atlantic Treaty

    North Atlantic Treaty
    Western Hemisphere nations to provide collective security the Soviet Union. Nowadays it provide military equipment to Ukraine.
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    During 50's the world presence Proxy Wasr that have internationl impact, Korea and Vietnam. In which change they way of participation and solution of a war. The creation of NASA. Or more important the victory of Fidel Casto in Cuba in 1959
  • Korean Armistice Agreement

    Korean Armistice Agreement
    When the Koran war ended in 1953, the armistice provide defenitive end to hostilities for the war. Establishing a demilitarized zone between the two Koreas.
  • Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict

    Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
    International treaty aimed to protect cultural property during a armed conflict. Was the first treaty of its kind, protecting cultural heritage in a war.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    Soviet Union and othe soviet countries formed the alliance with the objective to counterbalance NATO, in whinch established military cooperation.
  • NASA Creation

    NASA Creation
    The president Eisenhower established the NASA signing the Public Law 58-568, the National Aeronautics and Space Law.
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    In the 60's the world presence extreme tension with the Missile Crisis, construction of the Berlin Wall, the first man that orbits around the world, assesination of Jhon F. Kennedy and revolutions around the world.
  • Outer Space Treaty

    This prevented states from placing nuclear weapons or other WMD’s into Earth’s orbit, and prohibited states from installing such weapons on the Moon or celestial bodies or stationing them in outer space in any other manner.
  • Treaty of Tlatelolco

    Treaty of Tlatelolco
    International treaty that establishes the denuclearization of Latin America and Caribbean.
  • Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty

    The basis of international cooperation on stopping the spread of nuclear weapons by promoting disarmament, nonproliferation, and peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
  • Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

    The objective of the treaty is to promote cooperation through exchange and observation of information of human activities in the environment
  • Strategic Arms Limitation Talks I

    Strategic Arms Limitation Talks I
    the US and the USSR agreed to a limited number of ballistic missiles, as well as a limited number of missile deployment sites. Ina ddtion, the ewo countries agreed non-interference and respect for national sovereignty.
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    During the 70's the the arab-israeli war and the war of Vietnam occupied most of the decade. Started the terrorism.
  • Moscow Treaty

    Ssigned by the USSR and the FRG, and approved by the USA, the UK and France, meant the recognition of the borders between the two Germanies, as well as the definitive character of the Oder-Neisse line as the western border with Poland.
  • First democratically elected socialist president in the world

    First democratically elected socialist president in the world
    Salvador Allende was the First democratically elected socialist president in the world, these was considered by the US, and they organized a military strike, with Augusto Pinochet as the leader. Died three years later as the strike
  • Biological Weapons Convention

    This was the first multilateral disarmament treaty that banned the development, production, and stockpiling of an entire category of weapons of mass destruction.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    Were signed with the intention of establishing peace in Vietnam and ending the war. The Accords were signed by the United States, North Vietnam and South Vietnam.
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    With the 80's the world change drastically with economic and politic policies in the Soviet Union. Donald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher promote neoliberalism. Was the war between Argentina and UK. The occidental coalition bomb Libia of Muamar Gadafi. And the nuclear desaster of Chernobil
  • Glasnost

    Political and economic soviet policy promoting the democatization of the Soviet Union.
  • Perestroika

    Economic and political policy to restructure USSR, created by Mikhail Gorbachev. Seeking economic par with the capitalist countries.
  • Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
    Treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union requires destruction of ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with certain ranges, and associated equipment within three years of the Treaty entering into force.
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    The colaps of the Soviet Union marked the decade, also the desintegration of Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia. The reunification of Germany occurred, and many ex-soviet countries qet independence.
  • Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany

    Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany
    Marked the end of special status for Germany and Berlin under Four Power control.
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union

    Collapse of the Soviet Union
    For all practical purposes, impossible to pinpoint a single cause for an event as complex and far-reaching as the dissolution of a global superpower, a number of internal and external factors were certainly at play in the collapse of the U.S.S.R.
  • Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty II

    This treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation implemented reductions in two phases in order to meet the established limit on strategic weapons for both states.
  • North American Free Trade Agreement

    North American Free Trade Agreement
    was an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States that created a trilateral trade bloc in North America.