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Unit 5 West African History Timeline

  • 4000 BCE

    Start of Cattle Trade

    This tribe had lots of hunters and gatherers, so they naturally had a lot of cattle that they used to trade. This event took place along the southern region of modern-day Mauritania. This allowed them to trade with other tribes that lived in other regions of western Africa which allowed them to have access to other types of resources they might not have access to. Because they now had access to these other resources, they were able to create more weapons, materials, etc. for themselves.
  • 4000 BCE

    Tickitt Villagers Started the Trade of Cattle

    Tickitt Villagers Started the Trade of Cattle
    This tribe had lots of hunters and gatherers, so they naturally had a lot of cattle that they used to trade. This event took place along the southern region of modern-day Mauritania. This allowed them to trade with other tribes that lived in other regions of western Africa which allowed them to have access to other types of resources they might not have access to. Because they now had access to these other resources, they were able to create more weapons, materials, etc. for themselves.
  • 2000 BCE

    Khoisan Inhabited Parts of Western Africa South of the Equatorial Forests

    The Khoisan tribe inhabited Western Africa. In 2000 BCE they were the largest group of humans. The Khoisan tribe, which was a tribe of hundreds and hundreds of hunters lived just south of the equatorial forests. The Khoisan Tribe dispersed and now there are only 100,000 people in the tribe. The Khoisan tribe is known to be one of the smartest tribes in the world. The tribe were the first people to inhabit pieces of Western Africa. The Khoisan spoke their own language.
  • 2000 BCE

    Khoisan Inhabited Parts of Western Africa South of the Equatorial Forests

    Khoisan Inhabited Parts of Western Africa South of the Equatorial Forests
    The Khoisan tribe inhabited Western Africa. In 2000 BCE they were the largest group of humans. The Khoisan tribe, which was a tribe of hundreds and hundreds of hunters lived just south of the equatorial forests. The Khoisan Tribe dispersed and now there are only 100,000 people in the tribe. The Khoisan tribe is known to be one of the smartest tribes in the world. The tribe was the first people to inhabit pieces of Western Africa. The Khoisan spoke their own language.
  • 700 BCE

    Kingdom of Ghana Was Inhabited

    Ghana was ruled for a really long time and then now is a country in Western Africa. The government in the Kingdom of Ghana was ruled by Kings and Queens. The Kingdom of Ghana was known for how much gold they had on their land. The Kingdom was known and referred to as the “Kingdom of Gold.” As well as, the Kings and Rulers were referred to as “The Lords of Gold.” The Ghana Empire was the first known Empire to rise. The Ghana grew rich not just from gold but also from trade.
  • 700 BCE

    the Ancient Kingdom of Ghana was Inhabited

    the Ancient Kingdom of Ghana was Inhabited
    Ghana was ruled for a really long time and then now is a country in Western Africa. The government in the Kingdom of Ghana was ruled by Kings and Queens. The Kingdom of Ghana was known for how much gold they had on their land. The Kingdom was known and referred to as the “Kingdom of Gold.” As well as, the Kings and Rulers were referred to as “The Lords of Gold.” The Ghana Empire was the first known Empire to rise. Ghana grew rich not just from gold but also from trade.
  • 500 BCE

    the Nok Culture Began

    The culture was very big on sculpture. The Nok Culture began in Western African and modern day Nigeria. At this time, Nok Culture was the first known culture to produce art. The Nok was spread throughout a huge span of about 78,000 kilometers and they spread from Nigeria into Niger. The Nok Culture still has art that is portrayed in cities along West Africa. The Nok artwork is mainly human heads as well as figures. The Nok culture also was the first to start Iron work and culture.
  • 500 BCE

    the Nok Culture Began

    the Nok Culture Began
    The culture was very big on sculpture. The Nok Culture began in Western Africa and modern day Nigeria. At this time, Nok Culture was the first known culture to produce art. The Nok was spread throughout a huge span of about 78,000 kilometers and they spread from Nigeria into Niger. The Nok Culture still has art that is portrayed in cities along West Africa. The Nok artwork is mainly human heads as well as figures. The Nok culture also was the first to start Iron work and culture.
  • 202 BCE

    The Zama Tribe Battle

    The Romans and the Zama tribe go to war and the Romans win. However, the Romans set up their camp far away from any water so their army was very dehydrated and tired. Although this was a main factor, they had so many soldiers to switch in and out so they could each rest. They were able to have different groups that would switch out with each other. When they went into battle, the Romans would send out the least experienced warriors first and then the more experienced following after.
  • 202 BCE

    The Zama Tribe Battle

    The Zama Tribe Battle
    The Romans and the Zama tribe go to war and the Romans win. However, the Romans set up their camp far away from any water so their army was very dehydrated and tired. Although this was a main factor, they had so many soldiers to switch in and out so they could each rest. They were able to have different groups that would switch out with each other. When they went into battle, the Romans would send out the least experienced warriors first and then the more experienced following after.
  • 300

    Ghana Empire Rose to Power

    The Ghana Empire began to rise in power in West Africa, but they didn't rule the region until around 1100 CE. The empire was first formed when the Soninke people were united. They were united until their first king Dingo Cisse ruled. The government of the empire was a feudal government, in which the local kings would pay tribute to their high kings. The Ghana empire was very well known for their gold due to the many mines near their region. Kings were viewed highly in the empire.
  • 300

    The Ghana Empire began to Rise in Power in West Africa

    The Ghana Empire began to Rise in Power in West Africa
    The Ghana Empire began to rise in power in West Africa, but they didn't rule the region until around 1100 CE. The empire was first formed when the Soninke people were united. They were united until their first king Dingo Cisse ruled. The government of the empire was a feudal government, in which the local kings would pay tribute to their high kings. The Ghana empire was very well known for their gold due to the many mines near their region. Kings were viewed highly in the empire.
  • 1000

    The Ife tribe formed

    The Ife tribe formed
    The Ife tribe was mostly based in one major city that was known as Ile-Ife. Their tribe was around from the 11th to 15th centuries in and around what is today Nigeria. They were known for their metal sculptures of different religious figures of Yoruba. Yoruba is what the Ifes spoke and believed in, as Ile-Ife was the centerpiece of Yoruba and an important place in their stories. They ended up falling to colonization in the 1400’s and became the French Benin and the British Nigeria
  • 1100

    The Akan People Find Gold Near Ghana and Set Up the African Gold trade

    The Akan People Find Gold Near Ghana and Set Up the African Gold trade
    People from all over Africa came to the region to trade their valuables for their gold. Word got out to Europe about the gold and the Portuguese started a gold trade with the locals. Their gold business led to their downfall and colonization, as the Portuguese started taking over the land and enslaved the local tribespeople, sending them with nothing to what we now know as the Americas. The Gold trade had led to short-term success, but in the long term it led to colonization and enslavement.
  • 1240

    Sundiata Conquered Ghana and Created the Kingdom of Mali

    Sundiata Conquered Ghana and Created the Kingdom of Mali
    Sundiata was the ruler of Mali from when he conquered Ghana in 1240 CE until his death in 1255 CE. The kingdom of Mali was a cultural center not just for Africa, but for the entire world, as it was known for its wealth, culture, and learning. Mali’s biggest city was Timbuktu. Mali was also known for its trading and made its money with that taxing people. It was a successful empire that fell to the hands of the European Colonizers in the year 1600 CE.
  • 1464

    The Songhai Empire Came Into Power

    The Songhai Empire Came Into Power
    The Songhai empire came into power with Sunni Ali as their ruler. Sunni Ali was a prince of the Songhai but he was being held by a political prisoner from the Mali empire. The Mali empire at that time ruled over the Sonhai. Sunni Ali then escaped to the city of Gao, then later he conquered the city of Gao. He established the Songhai empire and saved his empire. Then began to conquer nearby regions, including the important cities for trading like Timbuktu and Djenne.