Unit 5 Timeline (1750-1900)

  • Voltaires Letters on the English

    1. Highly infleuntial piece in the enlightment and helped spark the french revolution
    2. Was written by french writer Voltaire, was satrical
    3. Supported the idea of the pen-ultimate power of reason above all
  • The social contract

    1. Highly influential paper written by Jean-Jaques Rousseau
    2. States that ones moral and poltical obligations rely on a contract between themsevles and the society they live in
    3. Inspired and laid the groundwork for the eventual politcal revolutions
  • Steam Engine

    1. One of the key inventions that supported the industrial revolution
    2. Created by James Watt
    3. Led to increase of production by large margins and created many new jobs
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    1. Led to the american war of independece
    2. Taxation without repersentation is a big part of the reason for this revolution
    3. Eventually led to american soverignity and independence
  • Water Frame

    1. Created by Richard Arkwright
    2. Led to a new source of power and could increase output
    3. Is what led to the creation of the factory system
  • The wealth of nations

    1. Highly influential book written by adam smith
    2. Was one of the key influences in the creation of laizze faire economics
    3. Is regarded as the first modern economic piece
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    1. Was started out of social inequality, economical struggles, and general distate to the monarchy
    2. Was succesful however put france behind in terms of industrialization
    3. Led to a power vaccum in france only filled by the rise of napolean
  • Period: to

    Haitian Revolution

    1. Only slave led revolt to be successful
    2. Led to hatian independence from france
    3. Caused by slavery and its dividing power
  • Stock market

    1. created by the buttonwood agreement
    2. regulated stocks and shares in a way to prevent finacial collapse
    3. Is the origin of the NY stock exchange
  • Period: to

    Latin American Revolutions

    1. Includes places like peru, boliva, and columbia
    2. Arose due to unequal social standings, and disparity and unequal treatment
    3. Led to many new nations with unstable goverments and unstable systems as a whole
  • General union of trades founded

    1. First trade or labour union to be founded
    2. Allowed for the voice of workers to be repersented
    3. Pushed for modern reforms to labour like work hours, etc
  • Communist Manifesto

    1. Karls Marx and Fredrich Engles created this pamphlet
    2. Sought to create an explanation for class struggles and possible solutions
    3. Would be the backbone and foundation for socialism and communism
  • Seneca falls convention

    1. Major feminist convetion or meeting
    2. First womens right convention in the world
    3. Fight for equality in terms of rights
  • Hatt-i Humayun

    1. Ottoman edict to allow more equality in society for men
    2. Did not include rules applying to women however
    3. Allowed for more culture acceptance
  • Hong Kong/Shanghai Banking corporation

    1.Was one of the first transnational companies
    2. Global banking and finace
    3. Led to the eventual emergence of many other transnational corporations
  • Period: to

    Meji Restoration

    1. Major shift in Japanese culture back to emperor
    2. Allowed for a more wester culture to prosper
    3. Led to imense japanese growth in all facets of society, but culturally is most important one
  • Period: to

    2nd industrial revolution

    1. Part of the industrial revolution as a whole but in countries who had to fight/gain independence
    2. Large amount of developments in major fields of science, enginerring, etc
    3. Steel is a big part of this revolution
  • Telephone

    1. Invented by Alexander Gram Bell
    2. Led to a revolution of communications
    3. Is the groundwork for eventual globalization under radios
  • Unilever Corp

    1. Another transnational corporation
    2. Focused on household goods
    3. Most famous for soap however
  • Hundred days of reform

    1. 100 days of extensive wide cultural and societal changes in china
    2. failed due to tradtionalist Cixi aunt
    3. Did begin to westernize china in terms of culture