Unit 5 Timeline 1750-1900

  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    White out month, day, and this
  • James Watt Perfects the Steam Engine

    White out month, day, and this
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    Reign of King Louis XVI

    White out month, day, and this
  • Spinning Mule Developed

    White out month, day, and this
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    French Revolution

    White out month, day, and this
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    Haitian Revolution

    White out month, day, and this
  • Toussaint Louverture

    White out day, and this
  • Cotton Gin Developed (Patent)

  • Period: to

    Reign of Napoleon

    White out month, day, and this
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    Wars of Independence in Latin America

    White out month, day, and this
  • Congress of Vienna

    White out day, and this
  • Simon Bolivar

    White out month, day, and this
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    War of Greek Independence

    White out month, day, and this
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    Opium War

    White out month, day, and this
  • Communist Manifesto Published

  • Period: to

    Taiping Rebellion

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    Crimean War

  • Bessemer Process Developed

    White out month, day, and this
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    Sepoy Rebellion

    White out month, day, and this
  • Origin of the Species Published

  • Emancipation of Russian serfs

    White out month, day, and this
  • Meiji Restoration

    White out month, day, and this
  • Suez Canal

    White out month, day, and this
  • Unification of Germany

  • Unification of Italy

    White out month, day, and this
  • Berlin West Africa Conference

    White out month, day, and this
  • Indian National Congress

  • Period: to

    Boer Rebellion

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    Boxer Rebellion

    White out month, day, and this
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    Panama Canal

    White out month, day, and this