Unit 5. The beginning of the Middle Ages and Islam

  • Period: 200 to 599

    Germanic Invasions

    Ostrogoths - Italy
    Visigoths - Iberian Peninsula
    Suebi - North West of Hispania
    Franks - France
    Angels, Sexeors, Jutes - Uk
  • 329

    Byzantine Art

  • Period: 330 to 1453

    The Byzantine Empire

    Resisted to the germanic invasions and lasted for a 400 years.
    Empereoror - Justinian and his wife Teodora
    Lenguaje - Greele
    Conquest - Mediterranean
    Art - Mosaics
    Religion - Ostrogoths
    Falling - Ottoman (1453)
  • 331

    Political Organisation of the Byzantine empire

    Absolute power (centralised) = Executive, Legislative, Judicial Division of power (descentralised)
  • 331

    The Byzantine Empire economy

    The main economic activity was agriculture,
    the cities were aldo important economic centres.
    Craftwork was the main activity.
    The trade was very important to change objets.
  • 331

    Byzantine society

    The basileus was the most powerful group, below was the high clary and nobility group.
    Next the artesians, traders, soldiers and free farmers group.
    The sleaves and serfs was the least powerful group
  • 331

    Byzantine culture

    Was the one of the most important cultural centres in the mediterranean because it was the crossroads between the Christian and the muslim world.
    It conserved the roman empire legacy and lifestyle.
    He also revised and reorganised Roman Law in the Codex Justinianus.
    Byzantine adopted Hallenic culure, the emperor became the Basileus and Greek became the official lenguaje.
  • 476

    The falling of the Roman Empire

    By barbarians
  • Period: 500 to 1000

    Other invasions

  • 507

    Battle of Vovillé

  • 610


    Recibe the menssaje from Angel Gabriel
  • Period: 610 to 1492

    The birth od Islam

    The Islam is originated in Arabian Peninsula.
    They was politheistic, nomadic, trives
    Livestock, trade of luxury: ( Asia- Europe)
    Control of trade route and oases.
    Common: Arabic (lenguaje), Meca (secret city), kaaba
  • 611

    Muslim religion

    Bief in Alah and Mahoma.
    Pray x5 faring Mecca.
    Fasting during Ramadan.
    Once in life they have pilgrimage to Mecca.
    No alcohol.
    no gainbling.
    Np pork.
    No pictures of Alah and Mahoma.
  • 611

    Muslim economy

    Were experts in livestock farmers.
    Agriculture: was less important on the Arabian Peninsula because only the oases and costals regions were fertile.
    They devepment the agricultural irrigation system, water wheel and dykes.
    Introduce new techniques for preserving food, such as pickling with oil and vinegar.
    They included: rice, cotton, sugar cane and citrus fruits, as well as vegetables.
  • 611

    Muslim society

    Were divided in two: muslins and non muslims. Muslims =
    Arabs: nobles and landwners
    Berbers and syrians: Soldiers Non muslims=
    Jew, christians.
  • 618


    Began to prey
  • 622


    Hegira= The free of Mahoma from Meca to Medina + beginning of muslim calendar
  • Period: 632 to 661


    Four caliphs= Mahoma's family.
    Expansion= Egypt, Syrie, Palestine, and Mesopotamia.
  • Period: 661 to 750


    Capital= Damascus.
    Emirated= Provinces= Gobernor.
    Expansion= Iberian Peninsula and India.
  • 750

    Political organisation of caliphate

    Vizers: Were in the chanrge of the tax collection and the goverment.
    Emirs: Governed the provinces of the empire.
    Quadis: administered justice.
    Diwans: collected taxes
  • Period: 750 to 1250


    Capital= Bagdad
    Al- Andalus : Abderraman 1 = Political indepent. emirate of Cordoba.
  • 929


    The empire was divided in new caliphate (Cordoba and Egypt 929) New kingdom appeared Turks = Sultanate
  • 1054

    The Great Schism

    Division of the Church ( Catholics and Ortrhodox)
  • 1250

    Muslims Factors

    Muslims diplomacy:
    high taxes
    They were seen as liberators
    Promoted conversion to islam Decline of close empire:
    byzantine and persians Sihad
  • 1453

    Conquest of constantinople