Apr 28, 1300
Capitalism (no true date)
An economic system based on free markets, division of labor, with little to no govvernment interference into the economy, strong property rights and the goal of increased competition. -
Apr 28, 1300
Cottage Industry (no true date)
It involves mainly crafting or farming , which involves many producers working part times from their homes. The term was initially used to refer to workers who were engaged in tasks like household manufacturing. Trading and bartering without set currency is common. -
Apr 10, 1400
Johannes Gutenberg
He furthered and perfected the Chinese invention of movable type and the printing press. The first book he printed was the Bible, now called the Gutenberg Bible -
Apr 10, 1448
Invention of printing press in Europe.
Movable type printing allowed books and pamphlets to be produced in mass numbers cheaper and more efficantly than before. This way more people could learn to read and become educated. This also let revolutionary ideas and opinions to be spread across countries and the world. -
Apr 10, 1454
Gutenberg Bible
This was the 1st major book to be printed in the West using movable type and the printing press, under Johannes Gutenburg. The revolution in the printing press has profoundly affected the histiry of the world -
Apr 10, 1550
Scientific Revolution
Advancements in the areas of algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and other majorly important scientific discoveries. It also included changes in thought and belief about Christianity, politics, economics, and society. This influenced the Agricultural Revoluton and Enlightment -
Feb 15, 1564
Italian philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician. He made great advances to the telescope, theories surrounding motion, inersia, and the science of falling bodies. His work furthered the acceptance of the heleocentric solar system. He also furthered the scientific method and the use of experamentation to make discoveries about nature -
Apr 10, 1564
William Shakespeare
He prvided an insight into the history of the English language, that way we may be able to better understand Modern English. Many of the words and phrases he used have become common to the English language. His plays and dramas surround themes that transend time. He has greatly affected modern theatre and litterature. -
Thomas Hobbes
English philospher who viewed life as "nasty, brutish, and short". He beleived the best form of government was absolute monarchy, where the leader in in sole controll over pollitical and social issues. He thought this would be the best way to avoid civil war. -
Period: to
The Enlightment
Picture The basic time period where many advancements were made to modernize politics, science, philosophy, and society whle promoting self thought.This is the basis of all the revolutions and advancements covered in this unit. -
King Charles I
KIng of England during the time leading up to the Englsih Civil War. His policies did not connect to his subjects' intrests, as he wanted them to adhear to clear cut ideals. -
John Locke
British philospher who greatly inlfluenced The Enlightment, The Glorious Revolution, The American Revolution, and the US Concstitution. His work is characterized by oposition to authoritarianism and the government is only legitimate when it has the free consent of the governed. -
English Civil War
First it started as a conflict between Irish Catholics and Scottish and English Protestants. It become a civil war between Royalists supporting King Charles and Parliamentarians supporting Parliament. Parliament won and had the king beheaded, afterword they tried to rule without a monarch, but Charles II was invited to take the thrown again. -
Sir Isaac Newton
English scientist and physisist elected to the prestegous Royal Society as President. Some of his greatest contributions include The Law of Universal Gravitation, Planetary motion, white light, and mathematical advancements. Greatly influenced the Scientific Revolution. -
Leviathan, published
Written by Thomas Hobbe, it demonstrates his political ideas such as absolute monarchy and absolute sovereignty. -
Written by Issac Newton it introduced his groundbreaking new discoveries such as what became Newton's three laws of motion and gravity. It sparked the intrest of the scientififc and enlightment community leading to other inventions and discoveries. -
Baron de Montesquieu
French political Enlightment thinker whose origional works were comentations on French society, then they showed hid political ideology, most famously in The Spririt of Laws. He was most well known for his concept of the sparaton of powers. He was very popular in England and The United States -
Two Treatises of Government, published
Written by John Locke, it displayes his political philosphies such as his thought that the only legitimate governments are ones that rule with the consent of the people. This influenced other Enlightment figures, The Glorious Revolution, the American Revolution, and The US's Constitution -
French philosopher whose works sought to expose superstitions, coruption, and prejudices in French society, while promoting relativism and reason. He was one of the most redical (because od his religous views) but popular of the French Enlightment figures. -
Eurpean Agricultural Revolution
The gradual change of how agriculture was prcaticed mainly in Britan. It included advancements in machinery and drainage, and also the increase of scientific breeding methods and crop rotation. This was an important prelude to the industial revoltion. -
electricity (date not exact)
Many scientists have contributed to the wonder of electricity, most famously Ben Frainklin, Thomas Edison, and Nikola Tesla. It has allowed for many inventions to make life easier and raise the standard of living for many. -
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Philosopher from the city-state of Geneva. His beleifs suround the idea that humans are born good and free, but are corrupted into slavery by society. His work was very popular and influential to the French Revolution particuraly the Reign of Terror, but some of his ideas also influenced the American Revolution. Some of his works are involved with the Romantism movement -
Adam Smith
A Scotsman he is an important political and economic thinker. He is often regared as the father of econmics. Beleived in pure capialism with a lot of competion with God guiding as the 'invisible hand' to maximize human happiness. -
King Louis XVI
Last French King in the line of Bourbon preceeding the Frenh Revolution. After a slew of governing mistakes, he brought the French Revolution crashing down upon himself, and in 1793 he was executed. -
James Watt
Scottish instrument maker and inventor whose steam engine contributed substantially to the Industrial Revolution, effecting many different industries. He was elected fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1785. -
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson was a draftsman of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, the nation's first secretary of state, second vice president and third president. As President, he was responsible for the Louisiana Purchase -
The Spirit of Laws
Written by Baron de Montesquieu, it describes his political opionion about laws, social life, and the study of anthropology. He thought governments should be constitutional, have a sparation of powers, end slavery, and reflect the social and geographical aspects of each community, This influenced the US's constitution. -
Miguel Hidalgo
He was a Mexican Catholic priest. He rang the church bells to announce revolution against the Spanish in Mexico, this is now regarded Mexico's Independence day (September 16, 1810). Natives and mestizos marched with Hidalgo to capture cites for the revolution. -
Marie Antoinette
Austrian born of the Hapsburg family she married into the the French throne to Louis XVI. She helped provoke the popular unrest (by symbolizing the excessive spending and grandur of the French nobility) that led to the French Revolution and to the overthrow of the monarchy. -
Industrial Revolution
Prior to the Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the late 1700s, manufacturing was often done in people’s homes, using hand tools or basic machines. It has transformed the world forever influencing science, politics, and economics. It has lead to the urbanization and suburbization of the western world and imperialization everywhere else. -
The Social Contract
Written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau in France. He is opposed to the divine right of Kings idea. He believes that men are born free and through society become slaves. -
Steam Engine (improvment by James Watt)
The first crude steam engine was patented in 1698 by Thomas Savery. The design was improved by Thomas Newcomen and built in 1712. This steam engine design was used until James Watt’s inproved design. Watt’s design became the dominate design for all modern steam engine and helped bring about the Industrial Revolution. -
Jose Maria Morelos
Mexian priest, who took over leading the Mexican revolution after the dealth of Miguel Hidalgo. He formed the Congress of Chilpancingo in 1813 to form a govern an independent Mexico -
Napoleon Bonaparte:
He was a military general who became the first emperor of France following the French Revolution. His drive for military expansion changed the world and increased nationalism amongst the French people. -
The American Revolution (date not exact)
The war of independence waged by the American colonies against Britain influenced political ideas and revolutions around the globe, because largely disconnected nation won its freedom from the greatest military force of its time. One of the 1st successful revolutions to not end up with a monarchy again.
Offical date of indenpendence-- July 4th 1776 -
Haitian Independence
The Wealth of Nations
Written by Adam Smith, it says that nations and businesses are free to use their capital and skills however they want to. He belived that governments have no place in business regulation, but to protect contracts and give copyrights to promote competition. This is Capitolism! -
United States of America Independence
Declaration of Independence
Written by mostly by Thomas Jefferson. It was the first formal statement by a nation’s people asserting their right to choose their own government, so it becomes a significant landmark in the history of democracy. In addition to its importance in America, it also exerted a tremendous influence outside the United States. -
Jose de San Martin
Argentine soldier, statesman, and national hero because he helped lead the revolutions against Spanish rule in Argentina, Chile and Peru -
Simon Bolivar
He was a Venezuelan military leader who was instrumental in the Ecuadorian, Columbian, Bolivian, Peruvian, and Venezuelan revolutions against the Spanish empire. -
American Constitution
At the Constitutial convention, delegates devised a plan for a stronger federal government with three branches–executive, legislative and judicial–along with a system of checks and balances to ensure no single branch would have too much power. The Bill of Rights–10 amendments were also added. To date, there have been a total of 27 constitutional amendments.
It is also one of the longest lasting Constitutions in the world. -
The Estates General (including 1st and 2nd estates)
In earlier French history, the Estates General was a representative body drawn from the three ‘estates’ into which society had been theoretically divided: the First Estate was comprised of the clergy, the Second Estate the nobility, and the Third Estate everyone else.The meeting of the Estates General which is best known occurred in 1789, decades after it had last met. It was called when a French government desperate to introduce fiscal reform turned to it as a last resort. -
National Assembly
The members of the 3rd Estate delegation formed this group after they were looked out of the Estates General Meeting. Tried to be a government in the midst of the chaos of the Freeench Revolution. -
Bastille Day
Commemerated the storming of the Bastille (prison and armory) by French peseants to arm themselves and begin the French Revolution. -
The French Revolution, Storming of the Bastille
It destoyed the feudilism practiced in France, and introduced capitalism. It attempted and may have been successful at actually being revolutionary by changing the social structure and ballence of wealth amongst the people. It inspired many other events and revolutions in history including the Haition Revolution. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
It is the French 'Declaration of Independence' and would serve in the preable of the French constituton of 1791.The basic principle of the Declaration was that all “men are born and remain free and equal in rights”. Drafted by the National Assembly -
The Jacobins Club
Jacobin clubs served as debating socitites where politically minded Frenchmen aired their views and discussed current political issues. Many members of Jacobin clubs were also deputies and used the meetings to orgam\nize forces and plan tactics. Robespierre was one of their most famous members. They fasilitated with the reign of terror and execution of thousands during the French Revolution. -
Factory System
The use of factories allowed more products produced with less labor, more efficiantly and was an intetgral part of the Industrial Revolution. Factories lead to workers demanding the right to organize into union to protect their jobs, health, safety, employment practices. -
Guillotine (1st time used in France)
Was possibly invented before Dr Guillotine did in France. He wanted a more humane form of capitol punishment and urged decapitation by a mechanism that would be quick and relatively painless. -
A Vindication of the Rights of Women
Written by Mary Wollstonecraft it was the first great feminist exposition. She argued for the rights of women and to have the education appropriate with their position in society. Furthermore, women are essential to the nation because they educate its children. -
The Committee on Public Safety
It is the executive body of government during The French Revolution. Robespierre would join and dominate group. The Committee is infamous for its emergency measures which included government by terror. -
Banque de France
Created by Napoleon Bonaparte, who was then First Consul, to foster renewed economic growth in the wake of the deep recession of the Revolutionary period. -
Interchangeable parts
By providing parts that could be assembled by relatively unskilled workers using an assembly line. The use of interchangeable parts allow for quicker assembly, lower cost, and made repair and replacement of parts easier. -
Toussaint L'Ouverture
He was a leader of the Haitian independence movement after the French Revolution. Resulting in the freeing of Haiti from France and the freedom of its slave inhabitents -
The Napolianic Code
It was the first modern legal code to be adopted with a pan-European scope and it strongly influenced the law of many of the countries formed during and after the Napoleonic Wars. The Code, with its stress on clearly written and accessible law, was a major step in replacing the previous patchwork of feudal laws. -
Haitian Revolution
It was the only successful slave revolution in history. The slaves’ struggle produced heroic leaders, especially Toussaint L’Ouverture. He and his revolutionary army of former slaves defeated some of the most powerful nations of the time. -
Venezuelan Indepedence
July 5, 1811 is the offical break from Spain -
Columbian Independence
Mexican Independence
Chilean Independence
Paraguayan Independence
Argentine Independence
Karl Marx
German political, social scientist, and economic thinker, who founds Marxism or communism calling for the uprising of industrial workers to overthrow the capitalists and establish communism. Influenced Lenin and many other leaders of communist countries -
Peruvian Independence
Ecuadorian Independence
Brazilian Independence
Bolivian Independence
Uruguayan Independence
The Communist Manifesto
Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in an attempt to explain the goals of Communism, as well as the theory behind it. It is the systematic statement of the philosophy that has come to be known as Marxism -
It is seen as any ideology based on the communal ownership of all property and a classless social structure, with economic production and redistribution to be directed and regulated by means of an authoritative economic plan. Ideally government wasn't supposed to be needed, but that never really worked out (thanks Lenin!) The opposite to Capitalism. -
Bessemer process (patent date)
It was the first inexpensive industrial process for the production of mass-produced steel from pig-iron. It contributed to the Indistrial Revolution and the building-up of cities. -
Petroleum (for modern uses)
American oil pioneer E. L. Drake drilled a producing well on Oil Creek in Pennsylvania at a place that later became Titusville. Many wells were drilled in the region. Kerosene was the chief finished product, and kerosene lamps became the safe cheap alternitive to whale oil lamps. Later the gasoline engine and its application to automobiles, trucks, tractors, and airplanes has profoundly affected the world. Today the world is heavily dependent on petroleum -
Vladimir Lenin
He was the leader of the Bolshevik Party and the mastermind of the 1917 October Revolution, founding the Soviet Union. He applied the communist ideas of Karl Marx to reshape Russia. He is consitered an evil tyrant to many, but some a saint. The results of his actions have forever shanged the world. -
The Mexican Revolution
It ended Mexican Discatorship and established a constitutional republic. A number of groups, led by revolutionaries including Francisco Madero, Pascual Orozco, Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata, participated. A constitution with including some of the rebel reforms was formed in 1917 -
The Russian Revoluton
With growing civil unrest, coupled with chronic food shortages, erupted into open revolt, forcing the abdication of Czar Nicholas II. Just months later, the newly installed provisional government was itself overthrown by the more radical Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin.