Unit 5 key terms

  • Frances Willard

    Frances Willard
    President of the Woman's Chirstian Temperance Movement for 19 years
  • Dorothea Lange

    Dorothea Lange
    Known for her work with the FSA as a photo journalist
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    Langston Hughes

    Leader of the Harlem Rennaissance
  • Tin Pan Alley

    Tin Pan Alley
    A way to describe the artists and musicians of this era
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    Great Migration

    movement of 6 million blacks out of the rural Southern United States to the urban Northeast, Midwest, and West
  • HEnry Ford

    HEnry Ford
    Assembly line is invented and spreads to many other manufactuing industries
  • Federal Reserve System

    Federal Reserve System
    the central bank of the US
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    With russia in revolution there was in imense fear of communisim and socialism
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    Harlem Renaissance

    Time where blacks embraced there culture, new ideologies, and music was being created
  • Marcus Garvey starts the Black Star Line

    Marcus Garvey starts the Black Star Line
    The activist created this air line as an inspiration for blacks to return to africa.
  • Retrun to Normalcy

    Retrun to Normalcy
    Warren G. Harding's promise to america that we will return to the times before WWI, he used it as his goal when he was running for president
  • Jazz Music

    Jazz Music
    Jazz, a new genre of music, is being kickstarted into the world durring the harlem renaissance, used alot in speakeasys
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    Social Darwinism

    Many people blamed this for the rise of the Nazi party and German militarism
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    Act of removing selling and consumption of alcohol, 18th amendment
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    Tea Pot Dome Scandal

    A bribery incident that took place durring the addmission of president Harding
  • Clarence Darrow

    Clarence Darrow
    Famous for defending two teenage thrill killers who killed a 14 year old boy
  • Clarence Darrow

    Clarence Darrow
    Ran 3 times for president and campaigned for womens sufferage and the prohibition campaign
  • Scopes Monkey Trial

    Scopes Monkey Trial
    Teaching of evolution in schools was illegal and a teacher did it and was put in jail
  • Charles A. Lindbergh

    Charles A. Lindbergh
    Flew from New York to Paris in 33 hours and won Orteig Prize
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    The Great Depression

    Time of poverty, depression, and pain in america when most banks failed because of black tuesday
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Stock market crashed thus all banks that had money invested lost that money and went out of buisness and people lost all of thier money
  • FDR

    President that created the new deal and became a sensation in america
  • Eleanor roosevelt

    Eleanor roosevelt
    FDR's wife, after something happened (possibly stroke) he was rarely ever seen and when he was she was always there and she ran alot of things he did before.
  • Reliefe, recovery, reform

    FDRs main plan and moto
  • Federal DEposit INsurance Corporation

    Federal DEposit INsurance Corporation
    Preserves public confidence in the banks by insuring all deposits
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    Dust Bowl

    Time in the great plains where most of the farm land was used up causing loose dirt that cause massive dust storms
  • 20th amendment

    20th amendment
    Defines who succedes the president in case of death and what date the US elected offices end
  • Tennessee Valley Authority

    Tennessee Valley Authority
    Provides info on all rural areas and all aspects of energey reserves, recreation areas for the public, etc.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    FDRs soluction to the depression because he was going to make new government policies and organizaations to improve the economy and provide jobs
  • 21st amendment

    21st amendment
    Ended the prohibition
  • SEC

    Inforces all goverment security laws and regulations
  • SSA

    REsponsibly for all social insurance