Canada toronto

Unit 5 Culminating Task. Timeline 1982-Present.

  • Period: to


    For 2 years Canadian government decided to take actions to totally remove institutions across the country because of the treatment given to patients and the conditions of the places.
  • Montreal Massacre

    Montreal Massacre
    14 women are killed in Montréal's École Polytechnique, a university in Montreal, by a man who was against the feminist movement and thought they didn't have the right to study.
  • Oka Crisis

    Oka Crisis
    For 78 days the Mohawk (first nations) fought against police and army to claim their rights after being notified of the construction of a golf court in their territory.
  • Roberta Bondar

    Roberta Bondar
    She beacame the first Canadian women to go to space and the second Canadian ever there.
  • Creation of NAFTA.

    Creation of NAFTA.
    January 1st, 1994 is when the North American Free Trade goes in effect eliminating tariffs to trade between Mexico and USA strengthening the bonds between these 3 countries.
  • Residential Schools.

    Residential Schools.
    The last residential school in Canada closed after more than a century existing and discriminating first nations with their treatments to the children.
  • 9/11

    The World Trade Center (NYC), The White House and the Pentagon (D.C.) suffered a terrorist attack by 4 airplanes killing thousands of people and making reflect most of the heads of the world in how they were keeping their countries safe.
  • Homosexual Marriage

    Homosexual Marriage
    Marrying a same-sex partner became legal in every province of Canada. It was the 4th country in the world to permit it.
  • #Idlenomore

    After Bill C-45 was approved, hundreds of aboriginal people began spreading a message to move and do something against prejudicial decisions the government was taking not just grabbing attention in the streets but on social media with the name of Idle No More.
  • Legalization of recreative Cannabis.

    Legalization of recreative Cannabis.
    After uncountable debates about the topic, the Canadian government decided that legalizing this plant for its recreational use was the key to keep Canadians' health and regulation of the same in their hands.