Period: to
Unit 5
Despite various areas like russia and japan taking influence from the west, the main cause of change over time was the industrial revolution and industrialization of europe because it increased trade and interaction between countries ultimatley causing western influence. -
steam engine
James watt invented the steam engine and put the industrial revolution into motion in western europe. Not only did this start the revolution, it also made it easier for factories to be built and that meant more jobs. This is important because it was the start of the revolution that changed the world. -
Population boom
New and better social and ecinomic ideas introduced before and during the industrial revolution plus better medicine and better sanitation meant a big population increases in europe. This shows change because it both was a cause of and led up to the industrial revolution. -
family life adapts to industrialization
Families began to accept industialization and change. For example, children were valued more now as a source of happiness. Another example is how people could afford more things like vacation because more people had jobs and demand for manufactured goods was high boosting the economy. This shows change because It tells how family life changed with industrialization. -
Art changes (date the pic was painted)
After the industrial revolution artist began to be more abstract and also focus on realistic portrayals of problems. Novelist focused on real life emotion and feelings. A good example of these two ideas is the painting The Cornfields by John Consrable. This shows how the industrial revolution changed views on art. -
manufactured goods worth more
Manufactured goods had passed agricultural goods in value by 1840. Things like charcoal and rubber were still in high demand because they were needed to manufacture the goods. This is an important example of change because it shows how the industrial revolution affected trade. -
lives of liesure in western europe
Better wages, better hours, and a better working class all supported the life of liesure. This meant more things like team sports, plays, and comics. This shows how the industrial revolution changed the way people entertained themselves. -
spread of industrialization to india
Through the spread of colonies, india gains influence from its western neighbors and the first railroad is built there in 1853. This hows how the industrial revolution spread and was used in other areas than the west. -
politics were affected by the revolution
In 1867, a man named benjamin disraeli extended vote to the working class men. This shows change because governments started listening to demands and resolving problems that were caused by or during the revolution. -
scientific knowledge grows
By this point science was already being applied to medicine and agriculture. This is important because it shows change by telling how the knowledge gained in the industrial revolution and after was used and expanded upon. One example of how it was expanded on is when albert einstien applied time as a factor in physical measurement. -
russia and japan take influence in a different way
Russia and Japan took industrialization and western influence very differently from other countries because they had past experience with influence, like japan from china and russia from the byzantiums. This meant that they knew how to control the influence and make sure that it didn't take over their own culture. This is another example of the spread of industrialization and western influence but in a different way than, for example, india. It shows change because it is the sread of ideas.