Unit 5

By karimr
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    Political and ideological leader of India, gained independence for India through non-violent protest
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    Mao Zedong and Maoism

    Anti-Revolutionist form of Marxist communism, political and military guiding ideology in Communist China
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    Juan Peron

    Argentine military officer and politician, elected as president three times, worked to eliminate poverty and dignify labor
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    Involved all of world's greatest powers- Allies v. Central, great technological advances in weapons, assassination of Archduke Ferdinand started conflict, League of Nations created, End of Austro Hungarian, Ottoman, Russian and German Empires
  • Russian Revolution

    destroyed Tsarist autocracy, led to creation of Soviet Union, Tsar replaced by provosional government who were then overtook by the Bolsheviks(communists)
  • Wilson's 14 Point Plan

    Basis for terms of German surrender, foreign peace policies outlined
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Peace treaty after WWi, ended war between Germany and Allied powers, Germany takes all blame
  • Hitler comes to Power

    Used violence to to advance political objectives, book- Mein Kampf about his struggles made him popular with people, Enabling Act helped him assume dictatorship
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    League of Nations

    Intergovernmental organization, founded as result of Paris Peace Conference ending WWI, precursor to UN, first eprmanent international security maintaining world peace
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    Chinese Civil War

    Republic of China v. Communist Party of China, led to division- Taiwan and China, no peace treaty
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    Stalin's 5-Year Plans

    Series of nation-wide centralized exercises in economic development in Soviet Union, focus on heavy industry
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    Great Depression

    worlwide economic depression leading up to WWII, started with collapse of stock market, every aspect of human life suffered
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    Fought between Allies and Axis, state of total war- economically, scientifically, and industrially, included Holocaust and sue of nuclear weapons, started when Germany invaded Poland
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    Cold War

    Continuing state of political conflict, military tension, proxy wars, and economic competition after WWII, Communism v. Allies, nuclear and space race
  • Creation of Pakistan

    Jinnah pushes for a Muslim Pakistan after independence from Britain
  • Indian Independence

    Free of East India Company and British rule through non-violent protests under leadership of Gandhi
  • NATO

    North American Treaty Organization, consists of 28 member states, intergovernmental military alliance, agree to mutual defense in response to attacks by external forces
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    Korean War

    Military conflict between South Korea/U.S.A against North Korea/People's Republic of China/USSR, war a result of division of Korea, escalated when NK invaded SK
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    Warsaw Pact

    Mutual defense treaty between eight communist states, established by USSR in opposition to NATO
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    Vietnam War

    Military conflict in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, North+USSR v. South+U.S.A, another war on communism
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    Great Leap Forward

    Economic and social campaign of Communist Party of China, agrarian to modern communist through agriculturization, industrialization, and collectivization.
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    Bay of Pigs

    Unsuccessful action by U.S. to overthrow Cuban government of Fidel Castro
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    Berlin Wall

    Barrier constructed by German Democratic Republic to keep West Berlin away from outside world(East Berlin), German reunification after fall of wall
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    Conflict between USSR, Cuba, and U.S.A over nuclear missiles
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    Helsinki Accords

    Declaration attempting to improve relations between Communist bloc and West
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    Islamic Revolution

    Overthrow of monarchy- Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, replaced with Islamic Republic under Ayatollah Khomeini, secular and religious civil resistance campaign
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    Iran-Iraq War

    Began upon Iraq's invasion of Iran by air and land, fought over border disputes and fears of Shia insurgency among Iraq's long supressed Shia majority, aimed to replace Iran as dominant state
  • Tiananmen Square

    Soldiers opened fire on protesters/unarmed civilians under government orders
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    USSR disintegrates

    Downfall in economy, social structure and political structure, destruction of Soviet Federal Government, and republics of USSR independence, many republics declare themselves sovereign nation-states
  • German Reunification

    German Democratic Republic joined Federal Republic of Germany, Berlin reunited into a single city
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    Nelson Mandela

    President of South Africa during this period, first African to be elected in a fully representative democratic election, anti-apartheid activist, leader of African National Congress, arrested and convicted, as well as life sentence in prison
  • September 11, 2001

    Suicide attacks by Al-Qaeda on the United States, two airliners crashed into twin towers and completely destroyed them within hours, third airliner crashed into The Pentagon, fourth plane crashed into field instead of white house or Capitol