Unit 4 WHAP Timeline

  • Period: 1299 to

    Ottoman Empire

    1. Conquered Constantinople and expanded
    2. Known for military might as well as unique governmental systems
    3. Is the group who uses timar and viziers and sultans
  • 1430

    Zheng He last voyage

    1. Led to Chinese isolation
    2. Trade still big part however
    3. It was a major part of Chinese foreign intrests
  • 1492

    Columbus Sails to New World

    1.Shows how the world begins to end isolationism
    2.One of the major events in history, for both the world and American history
    3. The colonization following, sets the constant theme for the treatment of locals in the Americas by subsequent countries
  • 1492

    Mehmed II invites Jews to ottoman empire

    1. Shows how religious tolerance differs in areas of the world
    2. Shows how to increase population via religious acceptance
    3. Is one of the few areas non-anti-Semitic during this time period
  • 1497

    Portugal Colonizes Americas

    1. Shows again how expansionism becomes the common method in this century
    2. Shows how a smaller country that controls a major trade route uses said economic profits to benefit them
    3. Will be one of the major players in South american history for quite some time, exporting and importing many things
  • 1498

    Vasco Da Gama reaches India

    1. Kicks off the expansionist era in Europe by increasing interest in exploration
    2. One of the major explorations to India that leads to fall of the Mughal empire
    3. Known for trading with Mughals on this trip.
  • Period: 1501 to

    Safavid empire

    1. One of the largest empires in the middle east
    2. Downfall by disease
    3. Conquered over by european empires
  • 1509

    Battle of Diu

    1. shows importance of the Indian ocean trade and the middle east as a whole
    2. Leads to more interest in middle east
    3. Portugal establishes trading post empires in this areas
  • Period: 1519 to 1521

    Magellan Sails around world (phillipines)

    1. Dies in Philippines
    2. One of the first to do so
    3. Helps to lead global exploration
  • Period: 1526 to

    Mughal Empire

    1. Last ruleing empire of India
    2. Akbar is one of the greatest leaders of the empire
    3. Declined and eventually conquered by British.
  • 1534

    France begins to Colonize Americas

    1. Shows again how expansionism is a large part of this era
    2. Is another global power who had interest in America for its resources
    3. Will be a major player in American history
  • 1545

    Discovery of silver at Potosi Mine

    1. Leads to silver interest in Americas
    2. Begins to become the major export of America
    3. Is also another major reason for the expansionism to the Americas is so popular
  • British East India Company

    1. One of the largest joint stock companies
    2. Leads to British conquer large parts of India
    3. Helps industrialize India
  • Battle of Sekighara

    1. Leads to Tokugawa rule
    2. Major shift in rule and foreign policy after this
    3. Led to unification of Japan as well
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Shogunate

    1. Makes japan intentionally isolationist
    2. Exiles Christians from japan
    3. Is a family based clan who rules via traditionalist ideals
  • Dutch East India Company founded

    1. One of the major joint stock companys of the era
    2. Shows how joint stock companies have alot of economical influence
    3. Would be one of the major groups to conquer parts of india
  • British begins to colonize Americas

    1. Begins with the colony at Jamestown
    2. one of the last European nations to colonize in the Americas
    3. Shows how expansionism is again a major trend of the era in europe
  • Taj Mahal Built

    1. One of the last major buildings built in India before British control
    2. Helped legitimize the Mughal empire
    3. Major technical innovation of the empire
  • Period: to

    Louis XIV rules France

    1. This is what leads to revolution
    2. Creates an Absolute Monarchy
    3. Makes more power for nobility and upper classes
  • Newtons Principia Written

    1. Leads to scientific revolution
    2. Major innovation in science
    3. Creates a renewed interest in science
  • Glourious Revolution

    1. Leads to the monarchy in Britian
    2. Change from catholitism to protestant for good
    3. Was mostly bloodless with little to no bloodshed
  • Period: to

    Qing Empire

    1. Ruled by Manchu or foreigners not Han
    2. Enforce ancient hairstyles
    3. Blend new elite ideas with old Han empire
  • Tsar Peter visits W Europe to study technology

    1. Shows Russias desire to advance in technology
    2. Russia is seeking to advance at this point in global standing
    3. Benefits Russia economically
  • Pugachev Rebellion

    1. Led by cossacks or exiled serfs
    2. Led to harder crackdown on the serfs
    3. Failed to get any rights for the serfs