Unit 4 Project

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    Infancy: Birth-2

    According to Erikson's theory of development, from birth to 1 year of age infants develop a sense of trust, vs. mistrust. This can range from the adult figures in their lives or the trust they give to objects or ideologies. During this stage, motor skills are developed over time. From reflexes, like sucking, and flexing the fingers to standing up and walking. Children between these ages tend to learn by imitation, taking what other people do or say and imitating them.
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    Toddlers 2-6

    Erikson also believes that for toddlers, there are two things they learn between this time frame. Autonomy, vs. Shame, where they become confident in their ability to do things on their own. There is also Initiative vs. Guilt, where they either take their time to do homework and do tasks on their own. The brain has grown to twice it's size by this point, and are better at controlling their emotions. Children also use symbols and can hold a conversation better at this stage.
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    Childhood 6-11

    Continuing with opening of the Theory of Development, children must learn between feelings of pride vs. inferiority. This is easily decided by their achievements, ideas of self-worth, and can affect their state of mind years down the line. Children's brains start to understand harder concepts, and they develop into the concrete operational phase. This means they can understand tangible events, math equations, reading, etc.
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    Adolescence 12-18

    During adolescence, teenagers go through puberty. This develops their vocal cords, their height, and the appearance of primary and secondary sexual characteristics begin to show. These characteristics often bring out embarrassment in people. Not only that, but teenagers must also face the challenge of Identity, vs. Role confusion. This means they feel confident in who and what they stand for, or they aren't. They also develop formal operational thinking, allowing for more obtuse ideas.
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    Emerging Adulthood 18-25

    People entering this stage of life oftentimes find that they're, physically, at their best. They can run better, lift more, exert themselves more. They have this energy within them, and that's why a lot of athletes are between these ages. It's honestly the best time of a person's life. People also must develop a sense of intimacy vs. Isolation. If they developed a sense of self in their teenage years, they will be intimate with people, if not they will isolate themselves.
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    Adulthood 25-65

    During this stage of life, people notice a steady decline in their physical abilities as they age. Their skin loses its elasticity and starts to form wrinkles, their bones get weaker, and weight is often gained. For this stage in life, people have to choose between generativity vs. stagnation. This means they do something to spur the future generation, like spurring forth a study in their work or giving back to the community, rather than hoard their wealth like a certain Bald Amazon owner.
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    Late Adulthood

    The late stages of life people often see as scary, which is understandable. Afterall, people have to come to the terms of their life through satisfaction vs. failure. This is the idea that looking back at your life, you believe you lived it to the best of your ability, that you're happy with where you ended up, rather then be upset about how you lived your life. Senses dampen, sight gets worse, bones get more brittle, and the muscles are really small.