
Unit 4: George Washington

  • Mar 27, 1179

    The Naval Act of 1794

    The Naval Act of 1794
    This act established the UNited States navy.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    George Washington was commander in chief of the coneinental. Winning in the end won for his army and defeated his enemy.
  • Creation of the federal government

    Creation of the federal government
    George Washington united the states and creted the federal government.
  • "Father of the country"

    "Father of the country"
    At the Constitutional Convention it was decided that George Washington would ebcome the "father of the country" because of all the amazing things he did for his country.
  • Creation of Constitution

    Creation of Constitution
    George helped organize the Philedalphia convention in 1787 and was made the 1st president of the United States of America.
  • The Executive Branch

    The Executive Branch
    Washington created this along with the establishment of the federal government.
  • Period: to

    George Washington: In Office

  • French Revolution: Neutrality

    French Revolution: Neutrality
    As the French Revolution was ocurring the USA was pulled toward helping the nations the were involved. However, George Washington believed that staying out of foreign affairs was best.
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Judiciary Act of 1789
    This act created the Supreme Court, federal judiciary, and the United States Attorney General.
  • Neutralization Act of 1790

    Neutralization Act of 1790
    "Free white people" or "people with good moral character" were granted as national citizenship.
  • The Residence Act of 1790

    The Residence Act of 1790
    Designated Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as the temporary capitol of the United Sates.
  • The Indian Intercourse Acts

    The Indian Intercourse Acts
    These acts which were all passed at different times, regulated commerce between American Indians and non-idians.
  • The Banking Act of 1791

    The Banking Act of 1791
    Established the first bank of the United States.
  • The Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights
    People felt that the creation of the constitution would lead to an overpowering government. Therefore, the government created The Bill of Rights to establish the basice rights of the citizens.
  • The Coinage Act of 1792

    The Coinage Act of 1792
    Created the US mint and dollar and also regulated coinage in the United States.
  • The Militia Act of 1792

    The Militia Act of 1792
    Established the various states malitia and allowed the President to call them out under federal control.
  • The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793

    The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793
    Made it illegal to help an escaping slave and established system that would return escaping slaves to their owner.
  • Slave Trade Act of 1794

    Slave Trade Act of 1794
    Limited the US's involvement in the trading of slaves by not allowing the export of slaves from the US.
  • Precedent: 2 year term

    Precedent: 2 year term
    George Washington set a precedent for leading presidents to only serve 2 two year terms. Later becoming the 22nd ammendment to the US constitution.