Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Transformation of the economy, environment, and living conditions; started in England. Steam engines, the mechanization of manufacturing in factories, and innovations in transportation and communication contributed in thi revolution. -
Period: to
Toussaint Louverture
Leader haitian Revolution; established the black state of Haiti; military genuis; political acunem. Turned the entire population of slaves into a free self governing people. -
Period: to
Seven Years War
A global military; involved the great powers of its generation which affected North and Central America, Europe, the West African Coast, India and the Philippines. There was antagonism between the British Empire and the Bourbons because of overlapping interests in their colonial and trade empires. Also conflicts between the Hohenzollerns and Habsburgs because of the territorial and hegemonial conflicts in the Holy Roman Empire. -
Period: to
Watt's Steam Engine
Improved 1712 Newcomen engine; developed sporadically; turned energy released by burning fuel into motion; Increased fuel efficiency. -
Invention of the Spinning Jenny
Invented by James Hargreaves in England; a multi-spool spinning frame to reduce the amount of work needed to make thread. -
Invention of the Water Frame
Invented by Richard Arkwright; a spinning frame when powered by water; used to drive spinning frames and reduce human labor -
Whitney's Cotton Gin
Separated cotton fibers from seeds in a fast pace; caused cotton industry to increase; alot faster rather than by hand. -
Britain Outlaws Slave Trade
The Slave Trade Act abolished slave trade though, Britain still have slave, just didn't get anymore. -
Period: to
Mexican Independence
Mexico gains independence from Spain; Miguel Hidalgo, led a revolt against Spanish rule; later Jose Morelos led more revolts; land-owning class bought into idea of independence; Treaty of Cordobawas created. -
Period: to
Congress of Vienna
A meeting between the ambassadors of European states chaired by Klemens Wenzel von Metternich. The meeting called for the discussing of the problems caused by the French Revolutionary Wars, the Napoleonic Wars, and the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire. -
Period: to
Brazilian Independence
Brazil and Portugal both invaded; Portugal was invaded by Napoleon; John VI the king left to Brazil andtook over; John VI left power to his son Pedro; hedeclared independence and made himself emporer. -
Period: to
Greek Independence
Independence won from Ottoman Empire.; England, France, and Russia contributed to their independence. -
Dissolution of the Janissaries
Sultan Mahmud II created new army, the Janissaries mutiny; later destroyed; abolished by Sultan. -
Period: to
Invention of the Telegraph
Invented by by Samuel Morse in the US in the 1830s; Allowed quick long-distance communication over electric wire; Started in England and North America in the 1830s and 1840s; used Morse code. -
Period: to
Afrikaners' Great Trek
The Afrikaners migrated and founded new colonies as in the Natalia Republic, the Orange Free State Republic and the Transvaal. Wanted to keep away from british. -
End of Atlantic Slave Trade
Denmark was the first to end slave trade; Brazil was the last to finally end slave trade; abolitionists assumed that the end of the trade would result in the end slavery. -
Period: to
Opium Wars
China not letting british in Opium caused war. First Opium War from 1839 to 1842; second Opium War from 1856 to 1860. Conflicts over Opium between Qing Dynasty and British Empire; British wanted more trade, China didn't. Treaty of Nanking ended it. -
Revolutions in Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy (all in 1848)
Started in France and ending up in Europe; there was abolition of serfdom in Austria & Hungary. Each country just didn't get along, Though these revolutions affected over 50 countries. -
Period: to
Taiping Rebellion
Civil war in Southern China lead by Hong Xiuquan, called himself "Heavenly King"; was against the Qing Dynasty; one of the bloodist wars ever; around 20 million people died. Qing government ended up defeating him with British and French help. -
Period: to
Commodore Matthew Perry in Japan
Wanted a trade treaty. Scared Japanese with powerful ships. Came back a year later and was showna treaty that covered all of the demands of US Presidents Fillmore's letter that they brought before. -
Period: to
Crimean War
One of first "modern" wars; Ottoman, English, and French stop Russia from expanding and getting access to the Meditaranean Sea. -
Period: to
Sepoy Rebellion
Sepoys and the Indian soldiers of the East India Company rebelled. British took over and established the British Raj. -
Britain Takes Over India
During Sepoy Rebellion, Queen Victoria now has power. This established the British Raj. Then, took over of India. -
Emancipation of the Russian Serfs
Written by czar Alexander II; Russia wasn't working well with serfs; had bad military, economy, and bad bureaucracy. This moved Russia into 20th century. By czar Alexander II after Crimean War. -
Period: to
Meiji Restoration
Brought fall to Tokugawa shogunate and restored imperial rule to Japan under the emperor Meiji; changes in political, economic, and social strutures. -
Suez Canal
Shortened the sea voyage between Europe and Asia; crossed the isthmus of Suez in Egypt. -
Period: to
Imperialization of Africa
This was a process of invasion, attack, occupation, and annexation of African territory by European powers; also known as the scramble of Africa. -
Period: to
Boxer Rebellion
A pro-nationalsit movement arguing about foreign imperialism and Christianity. Boxers and foreigners became angry and resulted to violent revolts against foreign interest. -
Aswan Dam
Made by the british; supposed to reduce flooding and support population growth in the lower Nile but it was unequal; rebuilt later. -
African National Congress
An organization created to obtain equal voting and civil rights for black inhabitants of South Africa. Later ended and its speakers were forced in prison for many years, but it ended up helping bring majority rule to South Africa. -
Overthrow of Qing Dynasty
Civil conflicts started and even grew. The overthrow the Qing Dynasty was caused by the Revolution of 1911 bringing 2,000 years of Chinese monarchy to an end; left China unformed and defenseless. -
Panama Canal
Joins Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Great impact on trade; cut across the isthmus of Panama.