A baghad Conference. -
Free Speach Movement
Students at University of California protested a ban on campus political activities. -
NAtional FarmWorkers Strike
National Organization for Women
Feminist Organization -
Summer Of Love
A social phenomenon when over 100.000 people converged in San Fransisco. -
American Indian Movement
Advocacy group in the U.S. -
Period: to
Richard Nixon
Apollo 11
Neil Armstrong was the first man to step foot on the moon during his Apollo 11 trip. -
The Brown Berets
A Chicano Organization during the Chicano Movement in the late 1960's. -
Salt I Talks
The U.S, and the Sooviet Union began the Srategic Arms Limitation Talks. -
Womens Movement
Campaign for Womens equal rights. -
Cesar Chavez
American Farm worker, labor leader, and activist leader. -
Hippie Culture
A living style of many rebellious people during the late 1960's -
Equal Rights ammendment
Designed to guarentee equal rights. -
WaterGate Scandal
Many believed Nixon was involved in the WaterGate Scandal that involved men stealing Information regarding communism tactics. -
Roe Vs. Wade
Land Mark decision by the U.S Supreme Court about abortion -
Oil Embargo
the OPEC imposed an embargo against the U.S. -
Nixon Resignes
Due to many Scandles during Nixons presidency, he resigned. -
Period: to
Gerald Ford
Supply Side Economics
Economic growth can be most effective by lowering barriers on the production of goods and services. -
Period: to
Jimmy Carter
SALT II talks
Camp David Accods
Egyptian President and Isreali Prime Minister Signed the Camp David Accords. -
Iran Hostage Crisis
52 American's were held hostage to a group of Iranian students. -
Soviets Invade Afghanistan
The Soviet Afghan War lasted 9 years. -
Iran Contra Affair
Period: to
Ronald Reagan
Strategic Defense Initiative
To create a anti-ballistic missile system in order to prevent missile attacks from the Soviet Union. -
Mikhail Gorbachev
He was the Communist leader of the Soviet Union. -
INF Treaty
Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces. -
Period: to
Goerge Bush Sr,
Tianamen Square Massacre
Student led Protests against China's political leadership. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
As the Cold War began the Wall had its fall. -
Operation Desert Storm
The Gulf War. -
Persian Gulf War
Iraq leader ordered attck on Kuwait. -
Soviet Empire Collapses