1wwi british going over the top

Unit 3 Timeline Project

  • The Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria is assasinated and killed by a member of the Serbian Black Hand, a secretive military society.
  • War is Declared

    War is Declared
    A month later after the assasination of the Archduke, Austria-Hungary announces that they have declared war on Serbia.
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    Battle of Tannenberg

    The Battle of Tannenberg was a battle fought between Germany and Russia which lasted 4 days. The battle resulted in a German victory and casualties of Russians losing 30,000 of their soldiers and 92,000 taken prisoner, while Germany only lost 13,000 soldiers.
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    First Battle of the Marne

    This was the first battle of World War 1, it was fought in the Marne River Valley in Marne, France. It resulted in 227,000 Casualties, and was concluded by a victory from the Triple Entente against the Germans and lasted 7 days.
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    First Battle Of Ypres

    This was another battle fought in World War 1 that lasted from Oct 19th, 1914 to Nov 30, 1914. It was fought on the Western Front in Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium. The casualties ranged from the French losing 50,000 men and the Belgians losing 20,000, Then the Germans lost more than 130,000 men. It accumulated in 200,000 casualties in total.
  • Germany starts Naval Blockade of Great Britain

    Germany starts Naval Blockade of Great Britain
    February 18th, 1915, Germany begins their naval blockade against Great Britain. Utilizing Britain's own naval resources. Germany's attempt to stop the supply movement between the allied forces resulted in the sinking of neutral naval ships and civilian passenger ships.
  • German submarine sinks British ocean liner, The Lusitania

    German submarine sinks British ocean liner, The Lusitania
    On May 7, 1915, The British passenger liner was torpedoed and sinked by a German submarine without warning nearby the south coast of Ireland, within minutes the Lusitania sank and resulted in casualties of 1,198 passengers drowned, including 128 Americans.
  • Italy delcares war on Austria-Hungary

    Italy delcares war on Austria-Hungary
    On May 23, 1915, Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary right after resigning from the Triple Alliance. At the start of the war, Italy mobilized with 300,000 men but later sized to 5 million in 1918.
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    Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun was a battle fought from February 21, to December 18, 1916, on the Western Front in Verdun, France. This battle was the longest battle of World War 1 and resulted in casualties of 337,231 soldiers and concluded with France being the victor.
  • The United States declares war on Germany

    The United States declares war on Germany
    The United States announces that they have declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917, right after Germany tried to convince Mexico to join the war against the United States and for unrestricted submarines to enter the North Atlantic ocean.
  • Russia signs Armistice with Germany

    Russia signs Armistice with Germany
    On March 3, 1918, Russia signs a treaty with the central powers, including Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria, in the city of Brest-Litovsk. This ended Russia's participation in World War 1.
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    Germany starts their final offensive of the war.

    On July 15-17, 1918, Germany commences their final offensive of the war in Reims, France with 52 divisions. The allies had been waiting for this battle and were ready. The final German attack is failed miserably and crushed by the French.
  • Peace conference begins at Paris

    Peace conference begins at Paris
    On January 18, 1919, the Paris peace conference begins and commences the set terms of peace after World War 1.
  • The Treaty Of Versailles

    The Treaty Of Versailles
    The Treaty Of Versailles is signed on June 28, 1919. The treaty of Versailles was one of the most important peace treaties of World War 1. It ended the war between German and Allied powers
  • The Treaty of Versailles takes its effect

    The Treaty of Versailles takes its effect
    On January 10, 1920, The Treaty of Versailles takes its effect after being signed. The treaty gave German territories to neighboring countries and placed others in supervision.